Chapter seventeen

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Third persons point of view
As soon as Dave touched down to Memphis from his private jet he was met with the glistening sun, blinding his vision and all he could think was.

Home sweet home.

Oh how good did it feel to be in the town of where he grew up, now Dave was originally from New York he knew his roots.

But when he had to pack up his things and move down to Memphis, he had no choice but to adapt to the city and new environment.

If things were his way, he would've never changed anything. Apart from him being more present in Jacob's life.

"Dave are you not going to  help me carry my stuff." China whined, behind him as he peeled open his eyes remembering his surroundings.

He sucked his teeth but took her handbag and much to his dismay she held onto his arm, as they walked down the stairs of jet.

Yes, China was here too. Now originally, she was even meant to come. Dave had woken up in the early hours and packed all his things and was getting ready to leave.

When she woke up and started crying to Dave practically begging to come, so he had no choice but to give in.

Now here she was.

A tall brown skin with an athletic and muscular build, with brown dreads that covered his eyes was standing in front of the private jet.

His mouth was shut and a mean mug was on his face. It was only until, he caught a sight of Dave he broke into a wide sincere smile.

"My man!" Dave dropped all his belongings, including Chinas handbag. Which caused her to scream loudly.

However he didn't care,rushing over he brought his brother into a tight hug then dapped him up.

"Haven't seen you in ages, nigga are you eating?!" Trey gestured to Dave's face which looked slim and his body lanky. He had been too stressed with the whole situation.

To even think about taking care of himself. Working out like always, was his last priority.

Dave laughed punching him." Man shut up Trey. Ofc I'm eating."

"It's cause you ain't been with Lala that's why..." He laughed a bit, until his eyes landed on China who was fixing her lace front." Who's  that?"

A hint of lust and curiosity flashed through Trey's eyes and if Dave cared about China that much, he woulda done checked him already.

But he didn't.

"Nobody. She's not important." Dave was quick to shut down any questions, if anyone asked she was just going to be his assistant. No questions asked.

Trey raised his eyebrows  then let out a laugh which caused China to look there way.

"Mane you weird ass hell bringing your hoe to your hometown where's the respect?"

"I know you ain't talking about me—I ain't no hoe!" China defined herself, rolling her eyes at Trey but Dave tuned her out.

"NAHNAH don't worry about that, why is mama telling me you starting trouble..."

As the two brothers began conversing and walking off to the hired car, China lagged behind huffing wishing that she just might have stayed home.

It was better than being neglected and not acknowledged at all.

— — —

"So how does it feel to be back homie." Miller grinned to himself, handing Dave a shot of Hennessy in a glass which he gladly accepted.

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