Chapter twelve

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A blaring ringtone was heard through the household of Jayla and Jacob, as expected you would think that Jayla would be sleeping soundlessly.

Which indeed  she was, Jacob was the one whose iPad was ringing, he was a light sleeper so instantly his eyes fluttered open.

"Coby better not be calling me this early I'm sleepy." Jacob bleated rubbing his eyes, his small fingers retrieved his iPad from his bed side.

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Pressing the green button, instantly Dave's face appeared on his iPads screen causing Jacobs mood to somewhat beam.

"Daddy? Why are you calling me so early."

Dave quirked an questionable face at his son attitude.

"Early? Nigga it's 7am,why are you still sleeping don't you got school." Since New York was a hour in front Dave was up early.

He never really understood the time gaps, but ever since he got that restraining order he taught himself to get better at it.

Sometimes getting frustrated, when he would call Jacob at 10 pm. When  his bedtime was 8pm. So Dave was getting there I guess.

Jacob tutted his head,eyes threatening to shut  as he was on the verge of passing out.

"Mmm nope no school."

"Oh alright. How you been."

"How you think daddy? You're calling me at 6am." He rolled his eyes, and Dave sucked his teeth.

"Aye watch out lil nigga. Just because I'm in a different state, don't think you can give me at attitude. I'll beat yo ass through the screen."

Being the crazy guy Dave was, he began boxing the air making all those noises that boxers did making Jacob giggle loudly.

Dave joined in as well, however stopping once he realised that his son should not be up this early.

"Alright chill daddy you got it. But when are you come down to see me." Jacob quietly asked once they settled down.

This made Dave swallow, scratching his beard as he didn't know how to answer the question.

Because how was he gonna tell his 7 year old son, that he shouldn't even be visiting but he was gonna breach these rules just to satisfy him.

"In a few days, I have tour in Memphis so stay tuned alright. Where your  mama at." Jacob got off his bed, and walked with his iPad to Jayla's room.

Standing at the door, he positioned the camera so that Dave could see that Jayla was gone, her legs were spread out wide.

While her mouth was wide open drool on the side of her mouth, snores erupted from her mouth;her bonnet had fallen from her head next to her.

Covering his mouth. Dave could've sworn he was gonna gains abs from the way he was holding in his laughter.

"Yeah alright,I see you little one. Come now give ma some privacy." Listening, Jacob gently shut her room door going back to his room.

The two continued to chatter amongst themselves,until Dave finally decided to let Jacob go and let him continue to sleep.


A few hours later

Sweet little lies by Rod Wave,played on Alexa as Jayla was in the kitchen preparing brunch for Jacob who was watching Paw patrol.

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