Chapter fourteen

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Continuing from chapter thirteen...
Excuse any errors!

"How are you feeling Bub?"Lala had pivoted around from the passenger seat of Jamel's  BMW, that he had recently purchased after he went car shopping with Jaren and Adams.

Jacob glanced up from his iPad with a nonchalant expression, not getting why his mother was asking so many questions.

"If you don't want to go that's fine I'll let Grandma know—"

"Lala leave that poor boy alone. He's straight. Ain't that right little man." Ja pulled up to a red light, causing Lala to rub her forehead in stress.

"I'm okay mama. I wanna go to grandma so I'm not bailing on her."

"Alright,whatever you say Jacob."

The drive to the Montgomery with residence was quiet, there was traffic today so the ride was going to be ever longe than usual.

So Jacob seized the opportunity to take a quick nap completing getting knocked out, with his iPad dangling off his lap as he snored.

"You know you should get some rest too." Ja advised Lala, who was watching Instagram reels to kill her boredom.

"I will." She drly replied, nod taking her eyes off the screen. That's when Ja knew that she was stressed out and anxious.

Lala was never one to get upset over anything, she was great at showing her emotions and letting things be known. If you upset her, hell she was going to make you feel it in your bones.

"Lose the damn attitude fore I fuck it outta you." Ja blankly told her off, and she humbled herself.

"Alright, this is my first time seeing my pops in 7 years. Ever since I gave birth to Jacob, I distanced myself."

"Why? Your pops seems like a really cool down to earth guy." From all the things that Ja heard and has seen on the internet.

Wayne Montgomery was the most successful and well known baseball players of his time, he did good in his time for being in that field.

However when he received news about his heart condition worsening, he retired early and instead putting his education to use he went and started his own business. Working for himself as a mechanical engineer.

"That's what the media tells you. Y'all haven't seen the ugly side of him. That man is nowhere near nice especially,since I had Jacob." Lala expressed, her jaw clenching at the thought of her old man.

She genuinely didn't know how he was going to react to seeing her. It was either going to end up with him saying some fuckery or he was going to put aside his one sided beef.

Lala didn't have a problem with her father at all, sure he treated her wrong from a young age, but she knew that it was only out of compassion.

Growing up now she realises that he was just trying to protect her, yet his strict nature was not the way to go and ultimately it lead to her being rebellious.

So she learned to forgive him, no matter how harsh and brutal his words were the day that he kicked her out of his house. But she would never forget the cold gaze in his eyes.

"Damn my fault Lala, I didn't know. But hey if he starts anything imma call him out." Ja promised, bringing her hand up to his plump lips and kissed it.

His words of assurance caused a wide grin to break out on her face, she loved how hot headed and sweet he was.Always ready to back her up.

"Trust me I know."

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