Chapter thirteen

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Chapter thirteen
Excuse any errors

"YOU'VE GOT TO be kidding me.... Jacob please tell me you're just playing." Jayla was currently having a midlife crisis in Ja's house.

This was because Jacob had just tattled, about Dave was coming down to Memphis in a few days.

This made Jayla feel uneasy, because she knew that Dave was only coming just to mend his relationship with her.

However she didn't know his true attentions whether, he was going to apologise for everything or pretend nothing happened.

"I'm as serious as a heart attack mama, is there a problem?"Jacob pondered, tilting his head to the side innocently.

Not getting that this friendly little get together was going to cause more harm than good.

Jayla had to exhale because she didn't want to yell at her son for being oblivious. He was young, and just wanted to see his daddy.

"Aye shawty, calm down what's wrong?" Ja had came into living room, with his dreads tied up in a ponytail.

Kaari trailed behind him, and motioned for Jayla to pick her up to which she agreed.

Too heated to reply, Jayla ignores him and paces in the kitchen meanwhile Jacob just rolls his eyes.

"What's up with your mama?" Jamel turned to Jacob instead who just sighs heavily.

"She doesn't want my daddy to come over, but I wanna see him so I don't care." He shrugged, and Ja had to hold his laughter.

Ja was not aware of the destruction that Dave benighted whenever he was around, Jayla told him the story but he never met Dave to see how much of a narcissist he was.

"I agree with you little one, lemme holler at your mama for a sec alright."

Nodding Jacob, manoeuvred his way upstairs going into Ja's man cave to play 2K with Jaren.

"Now do you wanna explain, why you got so triggered when Jacob mentioned his daddy?"

Ja took a seat on the counter, awaiting Jayla's answer once she finally got herself  together.

"Remember that time where I came to your house, and you said you wanted to take me out on a date?"

A smirk made its way across Ja's face, as he could vividly recall her screams of pleasure that became like music to his ears that whole night.

"Mhmmm very much, I was all up in your guts." He boasted, thrusting his hips into the air.

"Yeah yeah, well you know how our moment was cut short, Dave was the one that called me and he was being extremely verbally abusive." Jayla informed him.

Ja raised an eyebrow,his somewhat joking expression had faded and he become serious.

"And why didn't you tell me? You know I would've put his big ass place."

Here Ja went again underestimating Dave's size, of course he had never seen him person but the two were similar in height.

Dave just had more muscle on him.

"Because I knew you were gonna act a fool. This shít was serious, I thought I had it handled turns out not." Jayla sighs while running her hands through her hair.

Kaari gets down and sends her daddy a "you better fix this look" and walks off.

"And now he's coming to town right when my mama is trying to take him. It's all too much." She expressed, and Jamel crept up behind her and pivoted her around.

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