Chapter three

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The first place that Jacob and I went to was MacDonalds. I had to feed him first because it was gonna be a occupied day.

There was tons planned out for me, my plan was to make his mood stay the way it is. Contended. Exhilarated. Curious.

Had to keep my baby on his toes. He deserves it after all since Dave was being trash I had to take things into my own hands.

"What do you want lil man?" I ask him, as he peers up at the young employee who was ready to take his order.

"I'll have chicken nuggets and some large fries. Mama what do you want." He turns to me." I'll have a medium Big Mac meal thank you." The lady nods." Of course."

She told me the total and I paid for it before we sat down at the nearest bench, Jacob in front of me bouncing up and down non stop.

"Have you spoken with Daddy?" His innocent eyes peered up at me, they were filled with desperation and anticipation.

I sighed thinking that he wouldn't question the whereabouts about his father, although I was wrong. That boy adored his papa.

"Yes I have. He's just been busy with work. I told him that you're real upset..."

He tensed up a little in his seat.

"And what did he say?"

"He's said he's gonna call you. Now I can't make any promises that It'll happen tonight. But I warned him."

His tiny jaw had clenched and he didn't say a damn thing until the food came.

"Lets say prayers?" He nods his head.

"Dear Heavenly Father god, we just ask that you may bless this food cover it with the blood of Jesus. Mama and I thank you for blessing us with this food.

There's other kids out there that aren't as lucky as I am to have the food I have. So I also pray that you may give them food.

In the name of Jesus we say. Amen." He opens his eyes and grabs a nugget taking a bite of it.

"So what did you learn today?" I asked him slurping my Fanta drink.

He swallows before answering." We were learning division."

"Oh yeah and are you good at it?" I already knew the answer to the question I just loved to see him get all defensive it's adorable.

"Mama don't play with me." He squints at me making me chuckle.

"I'm not—!"


"Are you liking this so far bubs?" I softly murmur to Jacob, tearing my eyes away from my master work art piece I was creating.

Jacob was a huge fan of painting so I decided to take him to a painting studio that's full of adults and no children.

They're all so invested and engrossed in their work to even care about his presence. He was being silent and minding his business therefore there was no issue.

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