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"Ma' ma did you mind please re stating what happened from the start." One of the detectives kindly asks.

Jayla just swallows hugging herself as she sniffled with every breath. Her heart felt empty and she didn't want to be in this small interrogation room.

Mascara was smeared  under her light brown skin, eyes bloodshot as if she had been crying for days dry blood was on her hands along with her white shirt that turned pink.

All the could think of was that loud piercing gun shot and the sound of his body hitting the ground and shots being fired then a car speeding off.

Her vision was too blurry that she could barley even see the floor.

"I told you they just shot him right in front of me." She croaks out, eyes never leaving the metal table in front of her.

It's like she was in a trance she wasn't completely there yet they kept pestering her.

How are they gonna expect her to reply knowing the headspace she was in.

"Who's they Jayla?"

"I don't fucking know!" She suddenly exclaimed slamming her hands on the metal table. She was ready to just curl up in a corner and cry her lungs away." All I saw was a car speed off and seeing his body hit the floor."

"'My fucking fiancée just got shot and all you can fucking think about is asking me questions. Have some decency!" She cried out and the man and woman sent her sympathetic looks.

She was broken woman indeed.

This app just happened because of envy.

"Miss Costell we know that you know who shot your fiancée, you give us a name and we can set this bad man behind bars for a good amount of years." The other detective jumped in  approaching  her in way that was more assertive.

She knew that Jayla knew who the mysterious man was. There  was no way that she didn't know.

The way she was found on the cctv, her body was facing the car so Jayla did indeed get a glimpse of the driver in the black tinted family car.

"I'm telling y'all I didn't see anything." Jayla groaned into her hands tugging on the roots of her hair.

A lawyer had stormed in with Jaylas mother behind who and Jayla wasted no time running straight into her mothers arms breaking down instantly.

"I would like to speak to my client. Alone." He insisted and the detectives sent each other a glance. Before standing up and leaving the room.

"Mama they shot him. They fucking  shot him!" She cried into her mothers shirt. Her mother stroked her hair lovingly.

This was so unlike her daughter to be so distraught. She always hid her feelings and never cried.

So for Jayla to cry over a man he must have a meaningful impact on her.

The question was who got shot?  And who was the shooter...

To be continued...

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