Chapter five

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A FEW DAYS LATER Jayla had gotten a call from some random number which happened to be Ja's cousin Matilda. They chatted for a hours getting to know each other until she set up the interview.

Her manager was trusting Ja's cousin Matilda to do the right thing and hire a person that is worthy of the job. Someone's not just doing it for the money.

More so someone that genuinely wants to help people.

Matilda just can't take her cousins word for it that Jayla is a sweet person that she whole heartedly agrees with due to that conversation they had on the phone. Spending hours gossiping.

It was work protocols. And business.

And now the two were scheduled to meet at a cafe so that she could get to know how significant she was about the job.

"Jacob I don't have time for this. Wake your ass up!" Jayla shouted putting in her earrings. She stomped up the stairs to his room to give him a piece of her mind but came to stop.

Her body froze once she caught a sight of Dave on Jacobs iPad screen.

His beautiful face was scrunched up as he did some silly faces; making his son crack up a storm.

"Dave..." Jayla trailed off astounded that he actually kept his word and contacted Jacob.

"I knew I heard your pretty loud ass somewhere mami." He licked his lips and the old Jayla would've blushed but she was over him.

"Look I appreciate that you're calling but Jacob needs to get ready for school..."
Dave touches his beard." I know that, which is why I wanna talk to you instead. J pass the phone to your mamas."

Jacob being the innocent oblivious child he was said okay and gave the iPad to Dave. Surprisingly it was clean and not dirty Jayla was strict on him about eating on the iPad.

She didn't want no grubby screen, with all that money she spent on him.

"Damn look at you all dressed up. All sharp and sexy." Dave visibly checked her out through the screen. His eyes drifted down to her breasts that grabbed onto her dress so nicely.

Jayla rolled her eyes, bringing camera closer so that he stop his ogling and only focus on her face.

"What do you want Dave? If you just wanna get on my nerves for fun ion got time for that today." She huffed checking her teeth to see if there was anything in between them.

Dave blew his blunt out the smoke clouding the air, she could tell he was in is back yard due to the glass reflecting the ginormous pool behind him.

He had such a luxurious place in Harlem yet he couldn't even spend time with this son.

"Now I know you ain't catching feels cus I just wanna talk. Aren't I allowed to talk to my woman?" He teases with a stupid smirk.

"No youre not. I stopped being your woman that moment you left me for some loose pussy."

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