Chapter eight

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Celebrating job acceptance party part 2

By the time everyone went around saying farewell to Jayla it was already 8pm

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By the time everyone went around saying farewell to Jayla it was already 8pm. She knew that her celebration party was soon but why stress when Ja hadn't contacted her.

No instead of him texting he got his cousin to. Do you know how dog that is? Jayla reacted out of anger so she blocked him.

No point of having his number if he ain't gonna use it correctly right.

"Who's got you all stressed  out.'' Matilda pointed out how Jayla was visibly  chewing on her recently  done nails. That Ja had paid for, much to her dismay.

She  rocked up to nail shop to find her whole appointment being paid for.

When asked who the mysterious male was that paid for her appointment they simply told her it was Mr Morant.

''Jamel, he hasn't  called me nor texted me the whole day then he has the audacity to pay for my nail appointment.'' She rolled her eyes in annoyance.

Matilda supressed the urge to confess why Ja was being all top secret and shit . It was all for a good cause.

I mean it was nice sweet gesture however the least thing he could was call or text.

''Aww that's cute. But maybe he has just been busy.'' Matilda suggested, trying to mildly defend her cousin  but was ultimately  shut down.

''Stuff that, the least he could do was call me.' Plus he's not too busy to post on Twitter." Jayla grumbled feeling upset as she re applied her make up. A small part of her was doubting his liking towards her.

Maybe he was just playing me all along she thought.

The girls on them tea pages weren't lying about how Jamel gets around.

"Don't let my stupid cousin get to you baby girl. Today is your  night, you're gonna look mighty fine and drink as much as you want.

We celebrating you getting your bag." Matilda raised her wine glass and clinked it with Jaylas.

"You right it's my day. And I ain't letting nobody ruin it."

By the time 7:00 had came the club was packed with a bunch of randoms that Jayla did not know personally. I mean some of them were her friends but other than that it was Ja's people.

A large light up box was held up in the middle of the club saying "congratulations Jayla we love you" along with cocktails being served left right centre.

"This is a little extreme." Jayla breathed out seizing how the whole place was just so loud and filled with good vibes overall.

It was definitely not her scene at all she was homebody.Barley  went out after giving birth to Jacob. Preferred staying in then going out.

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