Chapter fifteen

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Third person's point of view
The past few days flew by slower than a train, Lala felt like this was one of the worst feelings she's felt  in a while. Almost  as if she was having separation  anxiety.

Just the thought of Jacob not being around her was driving her insane, she felt like she was obligated to tend to his needs.

Such as waking him up for school, she didn't have to worry about that for a minute, not while he was with his grandma.

"Are you okay girl? You seem off you're not being yourself." Sasha addressed, how her friend was visibly zoned out. From the conversation they were having.

"Oh I'm straight, go on what were you saying." Lala brushed off her comment, but Sasha was not having it.

"You're  reminiscing about Jacob aren't you? Lala, he's in good hands." Sasha chuckled, slapping her thigh in a scolding way.

"I know that, but he hasn't called me, and I told him the second he wakes up to call me—"


Lala couldn't help but whine to herself at the fact that Sasha was shutting her down, although she knew it was for a good reason.

If she kept letting her smother herself in misery dwelling on the fact that Jacob was not there.

she would end up getting cardiac arrest.

"Jacob is perfectly fine, what you need to do is get your mind off that boy he clearly ain't worrying about you." A wave of anger and sadness flushed through Lala at Sasha's words." How do you know that?"

Sure she didn't mean like that, but it hurt like a tonne of bricks falling on her.

Instead of replying, whipping out her phone Sasha tapped on the screen for a few seconds until she flipped the screen to face Lala.

At first Lala was confused on why she was staring at a blank screen. But the closer she looked she noticed that it was Jacob.

He was sitting on the porch with presumably one of Trinity's little boy toys, and the two were coming up with a handshake.

A grin formed on her face when she saw how exhilarated, he was to be there with his aunty.

So he was having fun...

Sasha turns off the phone the second she peeped the way Lalas mood had brightened at the small video.

"See now you don't gotta worry about him. He's okay. But enough about that, how are you and Jamel?"

A scoff came out from lala's lips. Ever since the day that he dropped her off at her mother's place, he never called or texted her back that night.

Now at first she let it slide, because she knew how busy he could be. Especially since the season was approaching an end and basketball was coming to a stop.

"I'm not really sure. That's something you should be asking him." Lala bitterly replied, standing up from the couch to go refill her glass of orange juice.

(Orange juice or Apple juice)

Sasha's eyes widened at how dismissive Lala seemed about the whole topic." Girl why? Ain't that your man."

"He hasn't contacted me in days, I don't know what kinda 'man' does that." Lala shrugged pettily, causing Sasha to roll her eyes.

"You're too harsh on him, maybe he's busy. Cut him some slack."

To Lala it sounded like Sasha was just dick riding the hell out of Jamel. Even though she was one of his biggest "opps" in his words.

"Is there something you know that I don't?Go be his friends then since you wanna be on his side." Lala scoffed, while Sasha followed her upstairs.

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