2. A wrong decision?

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After hospital, Porsche came home....he collects all his savings that he saved for chay's study.....he have total 40,000 baht but that's not enough for the operation he still need 50,000 baht.....
When he saw Time, it's 9 o'clock he shouldn't be there ,I have to go to my workplace. So, he take shower and prepare for his work.......
He thinks that maybe he asked his boss help in money.....

When he reached the bar his friend Mike approaches him and inform him that Boss want to see him in his office . He know today he is late for work but he can't hear lecture about his punctuality, he need her help.....
So, he go to his office.... when he enter Yok scold him and ask about the reason..... Porsche tell her the whole story.....

I'm sorry Porsche , i don't know about this.....how is chay now..... Yok asked Porsche.....

Phi! his condition is not good, he need an urgent surgery..... I need money for his operation , can you lend me money for his operation , I promise I'll repay it with interest.... Porsche said.....

Porsche you know I can't help you I already lost my bar partner who helped me to run this bar.... I'm already at loss..... Yok said to him....

But I have an still an option Porsche, if you agreed..... Yok said....
What p'Yok? If that money help me to save my brother's life, I will do anything for my brother..... Porsche said....

You know that Porsche.... there are many people who were interested in you.... and that businessman Mario , he is crazy for you , he also contacted me for you and offering so much money..... Porsche if you are agreed you have got so much money for your brother's surgery.... If you say, i will call him..... Yok said....

Porsche didn't understand what to do, he never do such type of things or specially with a guy...he never imagined....his almost all co-workers do this except him......he is 23 but he still a virgin......

Porsche thinks for sometime then he agreed with that because nothing in this world more precious than his brother.. not even his own character.....

Okay Porsche then I will call him...... Yok said while dial the number of Mario in his phone.....

After some time

Porsche sitting on bar counter while drinking...... specially Porsche never drink when he is on work but today he drinks in short he just mentally prepared himself, he just don't want to be in sober.....

As he agreed to one night stand with Mario, only he knows how much he needs that distraction.....
Yok and his friend or coworker Mike just looking at him they both know how much it's different for him to sleep with a stranger.....

Don't worry overthink about that, it's just a job we do to earn money... and our situation compels to do so don't overthink about that..... Mike said while trying to Calm him and encourage him.....

Mike give me another drink....as Porsche said while drinking continuously....

Porsche, i know why you agreed to do that you need money for your brother's surgery..... you don't need to ashamed of anything..... Mike said while handling him drink again.....

Thank Mike , for supporting me..... Porsche said while hug Mike....as he release him from hug , Mario approaches him and put his hand on his waist....

I have dreamed of this night for a while...thank you for this night I will make it memorable..... Mario said and took his hand and kissed it..... that causes shiver of fear to Porsche.....

Don't worry believe me.....
I already paid for you and will give you some extra , don't be concerned......he said in Porsche ear.....
Then he announced that.....
Tonight everyone's drink on me..... and handle a large amount of money to Mike.....then took the keys of an expensive room of the bar for tonight.......

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