5. fever

987 62 32

In the hospital.......

When Dr Top come....
He directly go to OT Room to perform surgery.......
While Porsche waiting outside and pray from God .......
After two hours.......

OT room's light off and Dr. Top comes out.....

Surgery is successful but we still need to keep him in observation for two days..... after that you can take him home...... Dr Top said politely.....

Thank you doctor...... can I meet him...... Porsche asked....

At this moment, he is unconscious because of surgery, maybe he takes time to regain conscious, it may takes 24hrs...... but you can see him.... after we transfer him in general ward....... Dr Top said.....

Okay doctor...... Porsche said..... after that Dr Top left and some compounders come and shift chay in general ward.......

After some time.... Porsche enter in porchay room......where chay lying unconscious while some machinary still attached to his body...... Porsche sit on the stool near his bed.......he holds porchay's hand......

Nothing going to happen to you nong..... I promise I will always take care of you...... Porsche said while kiss the backside of his palm......
After that.....he leaves porchay's ward and go towards gynaecologist section room.....

When he enters he is really nervous how to say that but he have to do something to reduce his pain...... when he sit on the chair infront of doctor.... the doctor looks young who is in his thirties.....

Yes sir, can you tell me how could I help you..... that doctor asked politely.......

I want some medications....... to reduce pain after sex..... Porsche said nervously...... while doctor understand his situation.....

Don't be embarrassed.....tell me is it your first time..... doctor asked as Porsche nodded as yes.....but he is very annoyed why everyone asked him if it's his first time......

Before we prescribed any medicine I have to examine you and your hole......doctor said while Porsche was again very nervous,

No need, you can ask me what you want to know...... Porsche said annoyed because he can't let anyone to touch him again like that for any reason........

Okay, please tell me how you feel and how's your back side condition...... doctor asked

When I woke up.....my... back side... bleeding and I think it's swelled up and very painful....... Porsche said nervously........

After listens what Porsche said that doctor smiled....... because he learns that how much rough his partener is.......

Okay, then I prescribed you painkillers, vitamin and some paracetamol tablets incase of fever....... doctor said as he wrote those medicine names on a paper.....

But I don't have any fever doctor..... Porsche said confusingly.....

First time having intercourse.... sometimes cause fever to the submissive partener.... and no intercourse till you recover doctor explains..... while Porsche nodded in understanding....... while leave the room...... when he walks he is stills limping and feels pain in his back side......

I must say young man..... you spend your night with a beast...... I know first time bleeding is common but if partener is gentle it's not happened..... doctor said to himself while smile widely.......

After that Porsche go to pharmacy for the medicines prescribed by doctor......

After some time......

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