chapter - 13

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In conference room!!....

"Now I come 15 minutes ago so he didn't get a chance to say anything".... Porsche thought and heard someone lock the door.

He looks up and there is Kinn standing and looking at him. He stands up and kinn is looking at him head to toe.

Porsche wear a full sleeve shirt and jeans and his hair are little messy, Feeling Kinn's gaze on his body he looks down and feeling so nervous. His heart beat start beating so fast.

Kinn comes near him.

"You looking beautiful in messy hair" .... Kinn said and smirk.

Porsche looking at him with wide eyes. Kinn comes more near him and Porsche steps back and stop when his back hit the table. Kinn place his both hands both sides of him and he's trap between his both hands.

Porsche tried to say something but it's like words never come out. Kinn leans towards him and Porsche gasped.

"S-sir l-let m-me go"....Porsche said after gain so much courage and tried to push him with his soft hands which suddenly lost his all strength infront of him......

Porsche looks so much scared of Kinn's sudden action and Kinn lean more towards him with a smirk on his face.

Kinn comes so close that Porsche can feel his breath on his face which cause goosebumps to all over his body, he is getting weak in his knees. Porsche close his eyes and whispers " please leave".

Kinn comes to his ear and whisper " don't dare to go lunch with Marsh" and he left him and sit in his chair.

"Excuse me?" Porsche said confusedly

"You hear me right. I don't like to repeat my words "... Kinn said angrily.

"You can't decide to whom I'll go ".... Porsche said and Kinn glare at him. Looking at his deadly glare, Porsche gulped.

"Don't you dare to say anything back and about Marsh. I hope you want that he still have his job" .... Kinn said and looking at laptop.

"You can't do this".... Porsche said and Kinn looks up at him and smirk.

"Yes I can sweetheart. It's my office and you have to follow my all rules. Now go and unlock the door and don't dare to argue with me"..... Kinn said and get busy on his laptop.

Porsche goes towards door and unlock it. He is hell confused with his behavior and also so much angry.

Porsche wanted to say something but stop to hear the foot steps....

Soon all enters in the meeting room and the meeting get start. Porsche start to taking the notes. After 2 hours the meeting finally finished.

Soon everyone starts to leave after shaking hands with Kinn and all mens are giving lustful glance at Porsche. He feels little uncomfortable about it but what he can do. So he's just ignore it.

After everyone left Porsche gathering his things to left but stop at Kinn's word.

"Don't you dare to come in office with messy hair again, it's distracted all people in there and one thing don't forget before meeting what I said about lunch" ..... Kinn said and left behind angry, confused and irritated Porsche.....

So many questions are running into his mind. "why I can't go lunch with Marsh just because I signed contract with him but in office nobody knows about it? And what is my fault that all those stupid mens are looking at me?.".. All these thoughts in his mind while he comes and sit in his chair at his cabin.

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