7. proper introduction

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Kinn and Porsche both reached main family mansion.....

In the way, Kinn warned Big, Pete and Arm not to open their mouth infront of anyone about Porsche is his fake boyfriend......

Even though he also warned Porsche that no one knows about him being his fake boyfriend as Porsche agreed....

Soon kp reach theerapanyakul mansion. It's already night time so everyone is sleeping only some night guards on duty.....

Arm , big and pete go their room, while Kinn take Porsche with himself....

When Porsche saw kinn's mansion he is completely shocked, that mansion is very big and luxurious , infact his whole uni come inside that.....

Kinn allot Porsche a room next to his room because now he is his boyfriend so he have to stay close to him. Porsche's room is very big with a king sized bed but not as big as kinn's.....

"Go and take rest, tomorrow I will introduce you to my family and don't forget to take your medicine"..... Kinn said moreover ordered.....

"But tomorrow I have to go to see my brother's condition".... Porsche said....

"Fine, you can go but after your meeting with my family and I will also come with you to meet your brother."......kinn said without any emotion....

"Okay, but you don't need to come with me ".... Porsche said...

"I will come that means I will come, now go".... Kinn said while go to his room...

"So arrogant, bastard, asshole"... Porsche cursed Kinn when he is out of sight and go to his room for taking rest, he is very tired because his fever is not gone yet so he takes those medicines that Kinn give him and go to sleep....


Big , Arm and Pete stand infront of Kinn, while Kinn sit on the large sofa of his room with cross legged because Kinn called them to his room,...

"Pete, from now on you will always be with Porsche to keep an eye on him because I don't trust that guy, when he opened his mouth"..... Kinn ordered

"Khab Khun Kinn".... Pete said....

"Arm , you have to be with Porsche to protect him, I don't want him to die this soon ".... Kinn ordered...

"Sir, Yes sir,".... Arm said
After that both left...
Only Kinn and Big left in the room....

"Khun Kinn, Why you only want Porsche as your boyfriend, you can hire anyone if you want"....big asked...

"I can Big, but I can't find anyone as pure as Porsche, with clean background "..... Kinn said as big shocked...

"What does Khun Kinn mean by that?"... Big said in his mind....

"Porsche is a simple guy, plus point is that he is not a money hungry, if he will be my boyfriend noone doubt that he is my fake boyfriend and can't be able to buy him with money ".... Kinn said as he read Big's mind....

"Big, one more thing take some best bodyguard to guard Porsche's brother "... Kinn said as Big nodded and left the room.....

"What's wrong with Khun Kinn, why is he show so much interest in Porsche?"... Big thinks in his mind but then he left .....

In the morning.....

Everyone comes downstairs except kinn and Porsche, kinn sent a set of clothes to Porsche's room. So that he can wears them and they both come downstairs together as kinn decided......

Korn, sits on dining table, while waits for his brother, otherside khun and kim with sullen face,  because today Kan theerapanyakul is coming here with his family and his soon to be son-in-law tawan and they are worried for Kinn, because when Kan announced Vegas and tawan's engagement, he lives the party, go somewhere and didn't come home for 2 days......

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