chapter - 18.

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"what is his problem. Now why he is glaring at me. I didn't do anything wrong." ...Porsche thought.

The evening goes well.

All the time Porsche is with Marsh as Porsche don't have any friends there.

Vegas gazing at Porsche while he totally ignores him....

Soon the evening finished.

Marsh left to his hotel early as next day is the success party because the show Is awesome.

Porsche standing alone at the end of evening.

" Hello Mr. and Mrs. Thiwat (Tawan's parents)." Kinn said.

"Oh hi, it's great show and thanks to you. I guess we have in profit." Mr. Thiwat said to Kinn smiling.

" Yeah I'm sure about it." Kinn reply.

"It's late now. Porsche come" Kinn said and Porsche staring at him.

"Sweet tone.. why?? And in full evening he's just glaring at me and now. He's seriously have some double personality disorder problem." Porsche's thought break the moment Kinn touched his back and lead to come outside.

They bid their good bye to everyone. Vegas said bye to Porsche.

"Take care Porsche be safe." Vegas said in sweet tone makes Porsche angry and he glares at him remembering what happened a moment ago , how he forcefully hugged him that makes him very angry and he pushed vegas and left from there.

He didn't say anything to Kinn thinking he will not trust him. So,  He force a smile and nods in Yes, while Vegas smirks to see Kinn's reaction, who is fuming in anger....

Soon kinnporsche comes outside.

Kinn open the door for Porsche. Porsche enter and Kinn sit.

Driver start the car.

In driveway there was a awkward silent.

Porsche looking outside through the car window. He looks at the beautiful nature.

"So what's going on between you and Vegas??" Kinn asked suddenly.

Porsche looks at him confusedly.

" Huhh?? What??" Porsche said due to her confusion.

" I don't like to repeat Mr what's going on between you and Vegas..A affair??" Kinn asked angrily....

Porsche looking at him shocked and then he made a disgusting face.

" For your kind of information. I'm not that type of guy and there is nothing between him and me." Porsche said and looks away.

Kinn didn't said anything.

Soon the car stopped in front of a cottage.

"What the hell !! Where we are??" Porsche thought and looking at Kinn.

"We are going to stay here this 5 days." ..... Kinn said and come outside the car.

Porsche also come outside and the car left. Porsche looking at the car disappearing.

"Why??..and what you mean 'WE' ??" ..... Porsche asked angrily.

"Don't you dare to show your anger at me. I'm your boss. And we means you and me. Get that and Don't you dare to say anything again." Kinn yelled.

For a moment Porsche shut his mouth but that smirk in Kinn's face.

"I'm not going to stay here with YOU" Porsche said and yelled in 'you' part.

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