chapter - 15

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Scene opens at Porsche who's lying in his bed.

He closed his eyes and saw Kinn's smile face and again open his eyes.

'what the heck wrong with me?' he thought and again tried to sleep but the face of Kinn come in front of him Every time he closed his eyes.

"It's not regular thing to saw The king of smirking The great Anakinn Theerapanyakul is smile for the first time. Maybe it's not the first time but I saw it's the first time. " Said Porsche to himself.

But he can't forget it. It was a memorize scene for him. He just can't forget it. He didn't know what's the reason but it's so complicated because for this he could not sleep.

He is turning left and right but sleep was no where it's just far from his eyes.

He finally sit with a irritating face.

"What's wrong with me??" He said to himself.

His minds reply " it's just because first time you saw that jerk smile"

His heart reply " it's something else. You just memorize by his smile "

"Both of you shut up" he said to his mind and heart.

Finally he's convince himself it's just sudden shocked to saw him smile.

He closed his eyes and after so long time he falls asleep.

He wakes up with a jerk and looking at the watch.

"Oh shit I forget to set the alarm " he scream and took a fast bath and get ready.

He runs in downstairs and Pete saw him.

"I thought you already left. Big  and Arm left 30 minutes ago" Pete said the moment he saw Porsche.

"I'm late Pete , bye."... He said and runs towards the taxi stand.

For the super good luck he couldn't find a empty taxi. He runs towards bus stand but the next bus 30 minutes after.

"I can't wait " Porsche thought and runs.

"I'm going to fired today" Porsche said to himself and looking at the time. His working hours start already 20 minutes ago.

Suddenly a car stop beside him.

"Kinn..." he murmured himself.

"Get in the car " Kinn said in his cold voice. Porsche enter the car.

"Let's go " Kinn said to the driver.

The car is going towards the office.

Kinn gazing at Porsche again and again.

Porsche felt little uncomfortable in his intense gaze.

"You know you are late today I can fired you" Kinn said in his cold tone....

'Again Rude mode on' Porsche thought but didn't say anything just nods little.

"Sorry I forget to set the alarm" Porsche said and give him a apologize smile.

Kinn smirk at him. The way he smirked Porsche felt so much uncomfortable he looks away.

"Mr Kittisawat, one thing never will forget. Don't ever look away when I'm talking to you" ... Kinn said little loud.

Porsche looks at him and Kinn smirk at him...

"Good boy " he said.

'arrogant jerk' Porsche murumred the moment Kinn looks away.

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