10. Interview

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Kinn reach to his cabin but still thinking about Porsche because he knows he is late for the interview. So he decided to check the CCTV of floor 25th where interview is conducting.....

Kinn's POV....

I checked the CCTV of 25th floor and saw Porsche sitting in waiting area as receptionist said and after that she left to Kim's cabin...

I get busy in my work but time to time I check Porsche who is patiently waiting there for more than two hours that makes me irritate...

So, I called Kim asked him to send the remaining candidates on 65th floor as now I will take their interviews, well I know there is no any candidate remains except Porsche but I can't say it loud to Kim.....

Again I checked the CCTV, where the receptionist come and inform Porsche to go on 65th floor but she looks different from before I didn't need to think what happened to her as I already guessed ....

"Damn this Kim, he will never change. How many times I told him that it's office.".....

I was cursing Kim then I heard a door knock sound.....

"May I come in Sir?".... asking Porsche, I told him to come in as he come inside...

"Sit down."....I asked him to sit as he sit and gave his resume to me which he didn't let me see in the car....

I read his resume and it's really impressed me, well I know Porsche is a scholarship student obviously he is intelligent but for my satisfaction I asked him some questions, which he replied very impressive.....

"Okay, Porsche! You are selected from tomorrow you can join as my personal assistant. And don't forget I don't like late comers.".... I said very coldly to which he nodded and after taking his resume he left from there.....

Once he left, I called Pete to drop Porsche to the mansion. I can't let him go alone, it's dangerous for him because now he is not a commoner as being introduced as my boyfriend, his life is in risk as I'm a Mafia King of all the Mafia clans that worked under our country....

Our family do both businesses, legal and illegal both. Legal businesses are handled by me while illegal was handled by my cunning cousin Vegas but still whenever needs to take final decision it was done by me only as major family holds the main Power....

You must be thinking why do I care about Porsche. I do because he has nothing to do with this, he is innocent, he came in this mess because of me. So, definitely it's my responsibility to protect him till he is with me.....

I know it's sound weird but I don't kill innocent people neither want them to get hurt because of me.....

Kinn's POV ends....


Porsche's POV!!..

After talking to receptionist I come on 65th floor. I go to kinn's cabin and knock first before entering.

I enter when he gives me permission. He takes my resume read it then asked some questions and finally I got selected.....

I'm so happy, finally I can do my internship in best company of the country. I'm thankful to God that Kinn takes my interview not his brother. I really like kinn's professionalism, the way he talk and ask me questions, everything shows his calm yet cold and dominating aura. Now, I got it why he is the no. 1 businessman of the country......

From tomorrow, I can join. I'm so happy, I want to share this news to Chay. I really want to meet him but how this rude monster will not allow me. So what? Till now he is in office, in this time I can go and returns to meet Chay also...

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