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"Your choice is really improved Kinn. You never bring your any boyfriend home that means he must be very special. "...... Korn said that shocks Kinn, he didn't expect that type of reply from his father infact noone expect this type of reply......

"Yeah Papa, he is very special."...... Kinn said nervously because Kinn didn't remember the fact that he never brings any of his boyfriend home even not tawan. Tawan comes home because he is korn's business partner's son.....

"So , you also want to get engage with him like Vegas. If Yes, I don't have any problem. I like your choice. When you both want to engage. "...... Korn said proudly that shocks Kinn beyond his limits even Porsche too.....

"Is this whole family crack, especially that old man. Who takes marriage decision this soon. "...... Porsche thinks in his mind while glaring Kinn who is looking very nervous because of his reaction......

"Relax Kinn, you are a Mafia you shouldn't scared by a mere guy. "..... Kinn calm himself to see Porsche's anger and glare.....

"Papa, I didn't decide to marry now. I think we still need time to understand each other."..... Kinn reasoned...

"Fine , then tell me you get ready because your happiness matters the most. But I hope this time you won't repeat your mistake again."..... Korn said strictly to which Kinn nodded......

Tawan still looking at Kinn and thinking how could he moved on from him, while Vegas literally eye fucking Porsche. Kinn noticed Vegas's gaze on Porsche which he  didn't like it.....

"Vegas if you focus on your's besides mine. It would be best for you."..... Kinn said while warning is clearly visible in his words which makes Vegas avert his eyes.....

Porsche didn't understand why Kinn said that but he keeps quiet.....

After breakfast, everyone go to their respective work , while Porsche is tensed about Chay as he didn't meet him after his operation moreover how does he tell Chay about Kinn, that tensed him so much that he forgot that he has to go to hospital......

"Porsche, let's go.".... Kinn said...


"Where means?? Didn't you want to meet your brother??".... Kinn narrowed his eyes to him and asked.....

"Yeah , I forgot in tension, let's go.".... Kinn didn't said anything just go towards his car while Porsche follows him......


After some time!!

Kinnporsche reached hospital. Kinn comes out from his car with Porsche. Big show them the route, where Chay is. Porsche noticed that it's not the same ward where his brother is kept.....

"Isn't it VIP ward section?? But my brother is admitted in common ward section."..... Porsche asked to which Big replied....

"Khun Kinn shift your brother is VIP ward and also arrange best doctor for him."..... listening to Big, Porsche get shocked.....

Some time later, kinnporsche stands infront of chay's ward, where two bodyguards are guarding seeing Kinn they bowed and let kinnporsche enter the ward....

Porsche looks everything in the room and every arrangement which Kinn required for Chay's safety. Chay is lying on the bed unconscious due to medicines...

Doctor saw Kinn and greet him....

"How is he Now, Dr Top?"..... Kinn asked the senior doctor...

"He is okay now and in sometime he get conscious.".... Top replied after that they bowed to Kinn and left....

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