9. Contract

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Kinn returns home at 3 am , otherside Porsche is waiting for Kinn till 10:00 PM, waiting for Kinn Porsche slept on the sofa in the sitting position but Kinn didn't return because he wants to talk to him....

In the morning!!...

Porsche's eyes opened, when he saw the time it's shows 7:00 AM....

"Oh shit! I overslept."..... Porsche wake and go to get ready....

After 30 minutes, Porsche get ready and come out from his room, when he comes out he saw Pete. He asked him about Kinn that did he returned or not to which Pete replied Yes.....

After that Porsche without thinking enters in Kinn's Room as he wants to talk Kinn.....

When he enters he saw Kinn coming out from the bathroom after taking shower. He dried his hair with a small towel while another towel wrapped around his waist. He is looking very hot, for a moment Porsche is all lost in him.....

"Porsche, what are you doing here?..... Kinn asked bring Porsche back into his senses, he looks away being embarrassed by his act.....

"Well it's good that you yourself come. I already made a contract paper for us."..... Kinn said makes Porsche looks at him......

Kinn go to his wardrobe and changed in casuals. After that he gives contract paper to Porsche....

"Read everything and sign it.".... Kinn said in his usual orderly voice as Porsche takes the contract papers....

It's their contract of being kinn's boyfriend for three months and have to live with him.
During these periods, Porsche can't be in any relationship. Once their contract finished he can do anything.
Porsche's parents house will also become his officially, once contract finished.
Porsche can do his internship in Theerapanyakul group of industries even if he wants he can work there permanently too......

Porsche reads everything carefully,...

"But we didn't talk about my internship, then how do you know about this?"..... Porsche asked....

"Don't forget , who am I?. I have my ways and by the way, you are a student of business class, then you have to do your internship for getting a perfect job and my company is best choice for you. And by the way you are my boyfriend, I can't let you work in any other company."..... Kinn said arrogantly.....

"Fine, I got it."..... Porsche roll his eyes then sign the papers, then Kinn also sign the papers....

"But once our contract finished, I will not work under you neither in your company."..... Porsche said....

"I don't have any problem, your life your choice. Now tell me why did you come here?"..... Kinn asked....

"Nothing, I just come here to talk you about my internship as you already solve it, thank you for this."..... Porsche said with a smile....


"So, from when I can join.?"..... Porsche asked....

"it's up to you , when you want to join."..... Kinn said...

"Can I join from today? You know I get bored in this big mansion"..... Porsche asked pleadingly making a puppy face....

Kinn looks at him, who looks very cute, a small smile come on his lips but he immediately hide it....

"Okay. But I don't like late comer, understand.".... Kinn said in a cold voice....

"You can say same thing politely too.".... Porsche said poutingly but when he saw kinn's glare....

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