
670 31 58

[Unknown Structure, Iraq.
Friday, May 31, 2003.]

𝟶𝟸:𝟸𝟷 𝙷𝚁𝚂
𝙳𝙴𝙿𝚃𝙷: 𝟹𝟺𝟹𝟷 𝙵𝚃.

The elevator Jason Kolchek and Salim Othman use is seen descending. Eventually, it stops at the bottom of the well and the pair exit. They appeared to be in some sort of transport ship carrying thousands of — what they are soon to uncover — cocoons that contain vampires, though it is unclear whether the large mounds of cocoons are actually infected with the parasites or not. It is vast and jungle-like, with strange organic formations growing on its walls and across the ground.

"I've seen some fucked up shit in my life, nothing comes close to this," Jason comments. "They don't seem to be following." He then adds after sparing a moment to look upward to the overworld which they have long abandoned.

"Would you like to wait for them or?..." Salim jokes as he clutched into his stake. "No need to be a smartass. Let's move." Jason was quick to insist as they guys began to explore the structure and find some things along the pathway such as a ledger which reveals that the temple priests sacrificed thousands of prisoners to end a drought afflicting the kingdom and a giant cocoon that Salim comments how it smells like formaldehyde. Moving deeper into the structure, Jason kneels to the ground and finds a book that served as Randolph's journal.

"It belongs to Randolph Hodgson," he read the name as he picked it up, examining it. "Maybe it's got some intel that could help." Lieutenant Kolchek added.

"It didn't help them," Salim whispered. When opened, Jason comes to find that all the pages in the book are torn, much to his disappointment. "Ah, shit!" The countryman cursed at the sight before, eventually, setting the book down.

From his peripheral, Jason could see what looked like a corpse but he didn't bother to step closer. He has seen plenty of those in his time here. Choosing to ignore it, the American comes to find a pocket watch on top of an assortment of papers. Picking it up, Jason opens it to find a picture of Mary in it. "Mary Hodgson." He said to himself. "It's gotta be his wife."

"Their story didn't end so well..." Salim trailed off. "Jason?" He inquired.


"I can't end up like this." The Iraqi stated. Jason didn't reply but he understood where Salim was coming from. No one deserved to die like this. The pair moved closer to some blockade, climbed over it, and ventured deeper.

Both Jason and Salim stumble upon a very wide opening of the structure, revealing it to be a remnant of a gigantic alien ship, much to the duo's surprise. Devices in its ceiling produce lightning strikes at random, and swarms of bats from the cave system above can sometimes be seen flying around. The structure is metallic and difficult to traverse without the ability to fly. Lieutenant Kolchek felt his breath hitch at the sight whilst Salim let out a shaky sigh.

"We are being judged." Salim laments. "God is punishing us all, for the mistakes we have ever made," he scouts down at the ground to touch the engravings on it. "Zain is all I have left in this world. After my wife left us, I gave him my all. I wanted him to have everything I didn't."

"Single parent," Jason points out the obvious. "Tough fucking gig." He proceeded to comment.

"It is, but... my boy has made me very proud." He states and looks over his shoulder to meet Jason's gaze. "He's going to London... to university. If only he would stop stealing..." he laughs to himself. "I miss him so much." it was then that Salim notices Jason's silence. The Iraqi then gets up and asks, "Is your conscience clear?"

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