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[Cocoon Vault, Iraq.
Friday, May 31, 2003.]

𝟶𝟺:𝟻𝟽 𝙷𝚁𝚂
𝙳𝙴𝙿𝚃𝙷: 𝟹𝟻𝟸𝟷 𝙵𝚃.

As the group of survivors stand near the vault, they watch over it. Salim Othman, using binoculars, looks over to view the cocoon mounds. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Jason Kolchek whispers over to the Iraqi.

"Those mounds are made of cocoons. Thousands of them," Salim hastily told the others. "If we set the charges there, they'll all burn." He added before handing Jason the binoculars.

As Jason watches over, he notices two vampires exiting from their cocoons. "Shit! They're hatching!" He cursed at the sight. "We've gotta go. Quick!" He commands the others. "Okay, listen up. We've been hit hard tonight. We've lost brothers," the lieutenant started his little speech. "But now, it's some to get some payback. We plant charges on as many of those clusters as possible and then detonate them remotely. The second those charges go off, we haul ass to the exit. If luck is on our side, we'll do more than fry a few vampires, we'll create a diversion."

"If we die here, at least we'll take some of those bastards down with us." Rachel King spat and, at this, a few of the marines nodded in response. Y/n L/n pursed her lips together and looked down at the ground, trying her best to tune out the possibility of them all meeting their demise in this hellhole. Jason returns Salim's binoculars.

"Okay..." Salim trailed off and looked at his side to meet the rest of the group's weary glances. "Who's going to place the dynamite?" He asked. It soon becomes as quiet as a church. Jason took a moment to look over at Y/n, praying that she won't volunteer for something so reckless.

"Alright, fuck it. I'll do it." Nick Kay lets out an exasperated sigh. "You're crazy. We'll do it together." Jason soon recommends going with him.

"Nah, the more of us down there, the more chances we'll get seen," the sergeant dismissed being responsible for Jason's life as well. "Take the detonator. If I don't make it—" he gave the piece of machinery to Salim but it was soon taken by Jason.

"Nick..." Jason tried to speak up but was cut off short by his friend.

"Hear me out. If I don't make it, I want you to blow those charges," Nick finished his explanation. "Just don't go getting trigger-happy on me." He joked.

"Every step of the way, you keep in radio contact." Jason slowly demands. "And if there's no radio signal?" Salim retorted, pessimistic yet realistic.

"Then I'll pop a flare," Nick chimed in. "You see it go up, you hit that detonator." He instructed.

"Be quick and be safe, you hear me, buddy?" Jason cocks his head to the side. Having a decently high relationship with Nick, Eric King held up to lend the UV wand to the sergeant. "You'll need this." The blond stated the obvious.

"Hell yeah," Nick smirks as he takes the lamp. "Thanks, Colonel." The two nod to each other to show their mutual respect before Nick descends onto the vault's ground.

Salim will use his binoculars to inspect several things, he soon notices a cocoon to the far left which is hatching a vampire, "There! There's one ahead of him. To his left." He warns Jason.

"Nick!" Jason radioed in. "The cocoons are hatching ahead of you. You gotta move fast!" He instructed his colleague.

Nick seemed to block out their alarming comments and instead replied, "The first dynamite is down. Over," he stood up to his feet to find himself in a two-way direction. A fork in the road. "Which way? Left or right?"

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