Chapter 1: Could It Be?...

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Somewhere in the dark, so cold and lifeless.
Two souls are formed by one accident
Uniting as one to make amends
Just to meet their love ones once again

One to fix the bond of an unshared affection
As the half looks for her connection

"I must leave, but you shall stay
It sounds unfair, but you wish for a pair
Only you, Mio, can fix what I can't repair"

"You seek for care from your family's despair
This amount of chance we got is rare
I can't wake up with a place, unaware
Stay, Mio, for a chance like this cannot be compared"

"We bind our souls to ignite
For our future to be rewrite
Mio, let's start our new life"

•Yuki's POV•

"It's mid-September already. Be sure to go to school before the sun strikes from the sky. We don't want you collapsing now, do we?" Shigure reminded as I pack my things. "Noted..." I respond back, not much caring and just put my shoes on as he left. Tying my shoe laces, I just feel like I've missed someone important.

Ah right. It's this time of the month. I quickly got up and jog towards the backyard to check the flowers and saw them blooming wonderfully. A tint of each color surrounding an oak tree as I put on some small white fences to keep it that way. It was wonderful.

"I wish you could this with me..." I sighed before shivering a little when a wind passed through me. As I stood up and about to head back, I caught a woman passing by. Just when I gaze at her, she gaze back and seem to be a little taken back.

She's... blushing?

"O-Oh my, did I ruin your morning?" She asked worriedly, but I quickly shake my one hand to tell her it's alright. Gee, I fluster anyone so easily... making me sweat a little. Then I notice her uniform. Our girl's uniform, from my school.

"Well if there's no problem, then I should get going! I don't want to be late on my first day!" She reminded, but I immediately caught up on her wrist that got her looking back at me. "We're going in the same school. Do you wanna walk with us? If you don't mind, that is..." I offered. Seriously, what's wrong with me today? I would NEVER do this to a girl... Maybe she's new or...

Or is it just familiarities...

"Are you sure? I heard in rumors that your fangirls go nuts when someone is near you

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"Are you sure? I heard in rumors that your fangirls go nuts when someone is near you..." she mentioned, still nervous, but smiling. I just let go and sighed, "Nevermind. It's not important..."

"Hey now, I didn't disagree with it now, did I?" She added and agreed, so I meet with her in the front yard. There, I met Miss Honda with Shigure, talking. He almost blurt out himself being a dog or just flirting; I instantly lift my bag and hit his head with it. "Lay off with the inappropriate flirting. Are you alright, Miss Honda? Did my cousin pull off any funny business?" I asked, smiling a little at the startled girl.

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