Chapter 7: How He Understands

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•Mio's POV•

The sky was clearer after that storm of emotions was let out inside. I no longer feel clouded. The trees had gotten greener as I finally sigh in relief. I no longer feel suffocating. That day... might be my motivation to keep believing on what I can do. As I got off the bus, I walk towards the school while smiling and greeting everyone that passed by with a bad day.

One smile can lighten up their day...

"Good morning!"

"Morning to you too, sweet child~"

Even others greet back as I hum and felt brighter today. Just then, I passed by the pet shop and greeted the animals. "Wish you all the best to find your right owner, guys~"

"Woof! Woof!"

I giggled before I made it to school, on time this time. Just then, I saw the garbage stumbled and fell from the wind, scattering the trash on the path way. I immediately put it back as my friends help me gather all the trash. "Miss, please let me handle this. It's my job. Please go on with your day..." an old man apologizes.

"Nonsense~ This is normal for people to help each other!"

"Why, aren't you such a sweet girl~"

"I must get going then. Have a good morning, Oji!" I exclaimed. "You too, my dear. Have a good morning..." he respond back with his eyes smiling at me before washing my hands as I enter. It's the 29th Annual Kaibara High School Cultural Festival and I was all dressed up and even brought my friend along.

"Are you excited to show them what you can do?"

'squeak!' 'squeak!'

"Don't worry, they will love you. They've met your baby brother, didn't they?" I reminded before opening the door, already seeing a lot of student crowd inside that are raising their phones. I lift my bag and squeeze my way in before I found myself looking at one particular boy, surprised.

When he met my gaze, he only went red and just looked down embarrassed as his fangirls try to cover him from all the camera flashes. "Pink..." That's all I said. He was wearing a cute pink dress before I got pushed by Motoko with the rest of the crowd. "Could you not take pictures without his permission?! Yuki-kun clearly doesn't like it!" She scolded as I fell on the floor.

The silver hair boy noticed before he slowly pull me up. "Miss Himiko, are you alright?"

"Heh, yes yes. I'm fine. I can't blame them, that's for sure..." I beamed before he covered his face with one hand in defeat. "Please save it. Don't even mention it..." he mumbled in embarrassment. "If you're looking for Miss Honda, she's right over there..." he added, pointing in one direction.

"Goodie~ Thank you, Yuki!"

The sudden nickname caught him off guard and tried his best to compose himself in public as I retreat in a huge success seeing him flustered.  "Tohru!" I called before she looked much happier to see me. "Himiko-San, there you are! I thought you're gonna get late again!"

"Wha— Is that how you think of me?!" I said, playfully offended.

"So... where's that friend of yours? I'm fired up to beat him in a game of shogi!" Uotani said enthusiastically before I showed her my rat friend, cutting her little proud grin into a dumbfounded one. "Guys, this is Chen. He's little Yu's big brother~" I introduced as Uotani compared his size to a shogi piece.

"How come I saw that coming..." Kyo said with a little irritated mark on his forehead from the sight of a rat. Still not over Yuki? "Well then... a challenge is a challenge! I am here to order my last rice ball for the competition!" The tomboyish girl announced as a shogi board was brought for them.

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