Chapter 11: A Boyfriend?! Pt. 2

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"Kyo-kun! I was so excited for today, I could hardly sleep!" Kagura exclaimed, giving the orange hair boy a death hug of love. "I as well! The chance to fix our feelings for each other!" Issei agreed that made Himiko force a smile, but was hardly not looking forward to what she's planning to do today.

Yuki didn't failed to notice this, but it seems even Tohru was not as excited as he hope she would be. "Miss Honda, is there something wrong?" He asked, catching her attention. "Um, it's just that Shigure-san's always smiling, so I can never tell whether or not I'm causing trouble... I don't specialize reading people like story books as much as Himiko-nee does..." she admitted.

"Not many people besides Hatori-san can figure out what Shigure-san's thinking. A long time ago, someone once compared him to a ripple on the water. 'A wave that approaches and then recedes. It tickles your feet, but then when you reached down to touch it, it leaves. He's the kind of man you can't get a handle on', they said. That analogy is too pretty, you know? If you ask me... he's a jellyfish floating on the wave..." he explained and joke on the last part that got the timid girl chuckling.

"So don't think Miss Himiko can read him, because she can't. All she does is to try and understand. She's too paranoid to even ignore it. That's what makes her a good person, right? Worrying about others even though it wasn't entirely what she thought?" He added, surprising her a little.

"Really? That's... not what it looks like when she's with you..." she mention. Before he could even answer that, Issei called for them. "Oi, you two! If you don't hurry up, we'll miss the beginning of the movie!"

"Right! Coming!" The girl went off, but Yuki watch her with his arms-crossed and tried to ignore the guy's contacts with his crush. "He maybe smile on the outside, but who knows what he's plotting on the inside..." he mumbled and followed the others, offering a hand to help Himiko on tapping her ticket to get in, but her boyfriend got to her first.

"Allow me, beloved~"

The silver hair prince just sighed and went ahead to leave them be, walking away as Himiko made a quick glance at his retreating figure, sadly. Now's not the time to worry about his thoughts, you're here to understand how you truly felt about Issei... she thought, encouraging herself a little.

"Mogeta and the Last Crusade"

They enter the place and the first one to be amaze was obviously the forest girl while staring at the girl larger than her size and even greeted her. "What are you looking at? We got to go" Tohru mention.

"She's beautiful—"

"She's a statue!" Kyo complained and immediately dragged her inside before the people even looked at her weirdly. Kagura and Yuki both made a little snicker before taking their seats and assisted Tohru and their popcorns for everyone.

"Oh no... I forgot one more bucket. The line was in complete rush, so I didn't check the order..." The timid girl mentioned as the silver hair prince check each flavored bucket from the receipt.

"Who didn't get theirs?" He asked before Himiko raised her hand. "I'll buy another one..." He planned to leave, but Issei immediately grab his arm and halted him back. "That's not necessary my fine good man. I can always lend my princess a share~ We do that all the time in umbrellas and even ice cream before" he insisted as he put the boy back to his seat.

"Yeah, Yun-chan! Couples always share a bucket in every romantic movies~" Kagura agreed, tying Kyo in his spot. Throughout the entire movie, Himiko refused taking any share since she hardly eat these types of food. Because of that, she can't focus on the movie with her small grumbling stomach asking for something to eat. Although, she does took a quick taste, but never liked the crazy flavor.

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