Chapter 3: Endless Bliss

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Tohru's POV•

The next morning, me and Himiko-san get to cleaning as she whistles a hum for the birds to open the light and curtains.

"Sea of C-Corruption/ Gateway to Hell..." She and I mumbled in sync before we get to cleaning. "I k-know I could do this on my own, but it might take me till morning..." I mumbled, a little nervous about where I should start before She call for backup. "That's why you have me silly~" she proudly reminded me as a few rats come out of their hiding place.

"S-Sugoi... I thought only Sohma-san can call for the rats..."

"Alright, everyone! Let's tidy things up!" She announced before I watch them go around climbing and stuff as Himiko-san handed me a rag and sponge. Oh I know now... So glad I could catch up. I clean the windows and plates as she throws the garbage and washes everything by hand.

"Uhh... Himiko-san, the laundry room is that way. You could use the washing machine..."

"No need. They really don't remove the stains much..."

Right. Baby rat steps... One by one...

"Oh~ I didn't know they have a cool invention~" she suddenly exclaimed after she cleaned the rice cooker.

"Me either. I thought it was a round toaster before..." I sweat dropped and just awkwardly grin at her before getting a little startled when a few rats came outside and passed through my legs. I looked under the sink post and saw it all clean. Wow!

"Himiko-san, the rats are really cool! How'd you do it?"

"Hmm? I dunno. I just whistle. Must be a thing when it's the animals who raise you for 7 years" she responded, happily sweeping the floor with a little dance. Oh... I didn't know that. "Really? It sounds so unreal. Did you come out of a fairytale book?"

"Everybody says the same thing~ What about it?" She asked.

"W-Well... you make flower crowns for me and Sohma-kun... you made a swing for the
newborn bears a-and... you always know what to do to make your friends spend the day in my without stressing over something..."

"It's all on the fairytale books my Papa Hoo would read to me every night. It's the only thing I could do to escape the real world. A lot of people fight and it was not the world I had imagined. I always thought that it was more... free than tight..." she hoped and turn to me.

"What about you, Tohru? How can you keep up despite the people who hold you down with pressure?"

M-Me?" I closed the faucet before thinking about it.

"I-I... just had to accept the things that would get in my way. There's nothing wrong with your method in life... I often do that too! Just besides with the animals... You and I have to work hard just to pay our tuition and graduate. We just had to keep believing that one day, everything would be worth it. That's what I tell myself... Keep reaching and don't stop smiling... Who knows~ The world might smile back at us!" I reasoned that got her smiling back.

"Good thinking. We think alike..." she agreed and went on with the cleaning. I never knew that Himiko-san grow up with animals. Humans are not like animals. We don't always share the same food and as obvious as it sounds, naked. That's why she didn't freak out like I did when they transformed back. But she did when Sohma-kun started unbuttoning his shirt.

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