Chapter 5: Trust

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"M-My name is... Ka—Kagura Sohma..."

I was stunned for a moment at the girl. "O-Oh uuh... yes. Kyo is here, wrestling some chives right now. M-May I help y—" I answered nervously, but immediately shut up when the strange girl in a yellow dress got a little emotional and suddenly rushed inside, accidentally bumping into me from too much excitement.


"W-Woah!" I stumbled on my leg, but gained my balance before closing the door. Did I just let a stranger enter the place?! No wait, she's actually a Sohma, so it's technically not trespassing like I did before when the roof collapse one time.


I hold unto my knees from running when we reach the living room and saw everyone staring, so I just hid. "Oh hi there" Shigure greeted while looking away from the newspaper. Kyo seemed to look at her, surprised. Do they have something?

"K-Kagura?" He called as the teary girl stared at him. "Kyo-kun... where have you been these four months? Why didn't you tell..." she sobbed right in front everyone as I enter slowly. At the same time, Tohru came in and saw her.

"I... I... missed..." she pause before suddenly punching him right in the face.

"I missed you!" Her cute demeanor suddenly changed demonic before I went blue as I watch Kyo went flying straight at me. Yuki immediately move and push me with him on the floor as Kyo broke the doors open back to the pond where Yuki sent him before. I take back what I said about Yuki's declaration of war. This is such a declaration of love.

"Sohma-kun, Himiko-san, daijobou?!" Yuki immediately made me sit up and made it look like I didn't touch him as Tohru asked.

"Yes, we're f-fine... But is Kyo?" I asked back, making us three look out as the girl jump from the table till she reached outside and grab the orange hair cat boy's leg and swing it around like a tornado. "I was worried, you jerk!"

"Please tell me she won't break the flowers..." I sulked, feeling like I just jinx myself. "Like hell I would let her slide. Healthy seeds aren't easy to find..." The boy next to me scoff and didn't give a matter on the situation outside. "Time to replace the door..." he added while Shigure just look devastated.

"Why is everyone so fond to breaking my house?!"

Tohru, on the other hand, was blue and a little worried. "Umm..."

"Oh, don't worry about it! That's just how Kagura express her affections! You know how little kids harassed the people they like? Same thing here..." The boy in green yukata explained as Sohma helped me up.

"I s-see..."

I just nod into it, still a little shaken up from how Yuki push me to the floor like that with him. I just hold my red cheeks and mentally squealed. He actually has something besides a baby stomach...

"But err... she seems to have completely changed personality..." I noticed.

"She gets like that when her emotions are running high. Especially with Kyo..." said Yuki as he stretched his shoulders and neck with his eyes closed from the fall. "She may not like it, but believe or not, she's 2 years older than us..." he added.

"And she's part of a zodiac..."

"Wait-really?! What year is she?!" Tohru asked, excitedly. "I think you'll get it if you watch her for a while..." "I know for sure that cat's life is in danger" I mention.

"Uh oh..." As Shigure said that, Kagura halted on her actions and realized what she just did, regretting it after seeing the beat up cat. "If he cannot even beat her, how can he beat you then?" I asked. "Figures. He is an idiot, I told you..." Yuki sighed.

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