Chapter 11: A Boyfriend?! Pt.1

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•Shigure's POV•

Tohru-kun served us one of her delicious miso soup in a beautiful early morning after the storm passed during our sufferings. Ever since that day when I was feeling unwell, both have been a good help on our recoveries. Although, Hatsuharu left the next morning despite his favorite cousin, still not feeling good. And his only response was;

"Sensei, Himiko-chan accidentally called Akito-san. Try to put an ID on her phone next time. By the way, Yuki-kun is already in good care and Kyo-kun is really strong, so there's no need for me to stay here. I'll just come back in another day with my bike..."

He seems so sure to leave Yuki-kun in her care. Well, who could possibly blame him? She's such a sweetheart to our beloved Yuki. Whenever Yuki needed something, even in the smallest request, she was always in the right timing despite doing the laundry and dishes.

"This isn't really necessary... I've been bothering you this entire evening..."

"This is nothing I can't handle! Anything to make you feel better, I got this!"

"Actually, you're making me feel worse by making me guilty with all of this..."

"Well that just won't do~ How about learn baking with me then to forget about it?"

"Chiffon cake?"

"Wish granted!"

"You're the best. Thanks, Miss Himiko"

"Just don't burn the kitchen~" she added in a tease before dodging a flying pillow from Yuki, playfully.

And the next thing you knew. Both got into a pillow fight before falling fast asleep with her sitting next to his bed, holding hands. Couple goals, it's very envying and enriching. With her methods, he got better after 3 days earlier than Kyo and I did. Shocking enough, it takes him weeks or even a month to get better. And he said that her main medicine is her herbal cream and 3 stressless days. It works every time, yet it sounds too impossible to remove stress over one person who deals with it every second with us...

Although, Kyo is the only one who isn't in the mood this morning as he grab a box of milk in the fridge, ignoring Tohru-kun's usual morning greetings. "Um, don't you want any breakfast?" She asked, but the cat just walked away after declining it.

"You can forget about him..."

"I wonder what's wrong with him..."

"Why not invite Himiko-chan here and let her help him to be stress free for a day?" I suggested. "Absolutely not. I don't want to bother her further because of that idiot's personal problems..." I slurped into my soup, interested at Yuki's refusal. Suddenly, we heard some tapping in the window, seeing a basket filled with chocolates. He got up from his spot and opened it for them.

"What's up?"

'happy bird chirping'

He looks a little puzzled since he doesn't speak birds and check the letter inside. "Happy Valentine's Day. Wish you all well with you books... Shigure-san... And say 'goodluck' to Kyo for me and a Happy Valentine's to him too. From... Miss Himiko" I gave out an amused expression as Tohru cheered while doing a little clapping from her friend's gift as the birds carefully drop it in front of me and left.

"From Miss Himiko? Well that's new..."

"Chocolates are the most common gifts people give to their love ones to express their admiration on this special day. It's really sweet of Himiko-nee to let you be the first one to know it, Shigure-san! If only Kyo-kun could've stayed longer"

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