Chapter 8: Sohma Estate

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•Mio's POV•

"You should never judge a person because of how they are known. Otherwise, the people would think of you the same. No matter how beautiful their lives are, how cold and terrifying makes them, deep down, there is still a child in their hearts that wanted to rise and greet the world again..."

"But Papa Hoo, what if they went too far to hurting people I love?"

"You have to be patient. Who knows, maybe they also got hurt by their love ones. Maybe they are just trying to make you feel what they feel..."

"That's no excuse to their bullying!"

"I know that. Not everything has an excuse, but everything has a reason. Get this from me, if you ever face one of them someday... Have courage... and be kind... Kids are meant to be the treasures here in Earth, not tools or mistakes..."

"Really? We are tweasures?"

"Yes, Mio. Treasures... so do whatever it takes to take care of gems like you..."

"W-Woah... This place is big..." Me and Tohru stood in front of the Sohma estate and waited for Hatori the next day and this is quite a nerve-wracking. "I'm worried about not telling Sohma-san about this... He might—"

"Don't worry, I left a message about us visiting a friend of mine..."

Suddenly, a little squeak was heard from my pocket before I sighed in relief. "Yu-kun~ Thank goodness you're here! I needed you the most today..."

'squeak' 'squeak'

"Oh? Yu-kun came?" Tohru repeated as she play with the baby rat who looked as healthy as ever. "He always sneaks out most of the time just to come with me. He doesn't want me alone and I save his life, so..." I explained and halt in mid-sentences when she nodded in realization. "Well he is such an adorable baby~"

"Hallo, Tohru!"

We both looked up to see Momiji before the girl next to me freaked out and barely make out some word to tell the familiar blonde kid to get down from the rooftop. Gee, he loves heights that much. "You came right on time! Oh and you brought Miss Pretty and Yuki-kun too! But didn't Hari-san said to not tell anyone?"

"It's actually Yu-kun, not Sohma-san..."

"Where's the difference?"

"Yu-kun's a baby. Sohma-san isn't..." I corrected as the gate opened for us. "Really? It looks the same to me... By the way, what's your name, Miss Pretty?!" He excitedly asked as he cling into one of my sleeves like a kid. I was about to answer, but heard a voice in my head.

"Listen, he won't do any harm as long as you won't tell your real name... Whatever you do, don't answer... He would report you immediately to Akito and I don't wanna get you in trouble. Okay?"

"Oh uuh... Just call me Himiko~ And this is my baby rat friend, Yu. He is a very loyal cutie, so don't worry, Sohma-san didn't sent him..." I introduced. "Phew. That's good. We don't want either Hari-san or Yuki-kun fighting to death now, do we?! Welcome to the Sohma Estate!" He welcomed before leading us to Hatori's place.

'squeak' 'squeak~~'

"Hungry again? Well that's a good thing. We need some weight on you, bub..." I whispered and handed him a small banana slice.


"You're welcome... Ne, Momiji-kun, if you don't mind me asking, it's a little quiet and lonely around here..." Phew. That was close... "True. Like almost no one lives here at all...." Tohru finished my sentence as we follow the kid from behind. This is only making me more nervous. Surprisingly, not much people are around, yet it's huge, my knees almost gave up on me.

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