Chapter 2: Secret's Out

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•Mio's POV•

The next morning arrived as I got off the bus after a long morning just to pay the driver. "Oh I just love it when we skipped around the lake~ Hmm, how about we visit Sohma-san?" I asked as the birds handed me a bouquet of yellow fresh daffodils as an agreement. But one bird didn't agree with it for one reason. Two reasons; First, he a boy, and second, he might take me away from them.

"Oh don't worry, he is quite a gentleman~ He is very understanding. You would love him..." I reminded and hum a little song as I walk towards the Sohma's. On my way, another bird came to me and hand me a paper bag of seeds.

"Oh yes~ I almost forgot. I made a promise... Thanks for reminding me. You must be exhausted flying all the way here to the city..." I share half of my corn with her before the rest of the birds fight for it. I just gave them their own individual corns if it makes them fight over it.

"Next time, I won't share if you guys keep that habit~"

A few chirps of apologies were heard, so I sooner forgave them. Although, the extra phone I borrowed from Tohru rang. I check the caller ID and was shock to see what it was. Yuki?!

"M-Moshi moshi?" I responded before hearing his voice from the other side.

"H-How did you got my n-number?"

"I got it from Miss Honda. Considering that you are outside of town in Miyagi, the connection might not make it, so I'll just call every morning to know if you reached back inside with no problem. I hope I didn't creeped you out, Mio. As President, I must know everyone's well-being..." he explained.

"You are certainly the most thoughtful person I can never deny! Why do you have to bother—I don't deserve such classmate..." I cried in happiness before feeling him smile at the other side of the phone again.

"You flatter me. Since you answered, you are alright then?"

"Oh yes! I'm totally fine. Just my friends fighting over the corns. How 'bout your finger?"

"Healing quite well, actually..."

"That's good to hear, By the way, I'm already heading towards the mountain. Do I have the permission to visit?" I joked and started climbing.

"Of course you may. Miss Honda just woke up. She'll be staying in the household for a while since her grandfather's house is getting renovated. You girls don't mind helping each other, right?"

"Of course not. Whenever I try to have the same job as Tohru, one us gets hired and fired or... we don't have the same taste when it comes to jobs. Cleaning is one thing we both have in common, but no one is hiring and there's only one spot in the janitor's job..." I explain.

"I see. Well, with her around, you both could still catch up. Don't worry about me and Shigure bothering you girls' alone time..."

"Thank you so much, Sohma-san..."

"You're welcome. I shall get going. We'll wait for you, Mio..."

"H-Hai..." My face went flushed after he end the call before I run up the hill in a hurry. I must not keep him waiting. He's the only one expecting me today...

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