Chapter 9: New Year, New Hope

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•Yuki's POV•

Christmas had came and it was amazing. The first time she invited us for a trip to her home, we thought it would be much easier, but no. It was crazier than I thought, but she went easy on us and just took the pathway where people usually go. The long walk was worth a wait when she did a splendid job on the preparations. She also invited Shigure, Miss Uotani and Miss Hanajima to come along that time.

And as she promised, she made different types of dream catchers for us. She's pretty crafty and even gave small gifts for the animals. She also planned different types of games she learned as we all stayed with her awesome tree house for the night. I noticed her lights were actually the fireflies before replacing them with candles for her friends are tired.

Also roasted fish for dinner. Who knew she grills?

"I never knew your house was kinda fun! Now I understand why you love this place!" Miss Honda squealed loving the roasted marshmallows. "It's not bad... I guess..." Kyo hesitantly mentioned before giving a weird glance on the frogs that eat mosquitoes for dinner.

"I knew everyone's used to the modern style, but this is all I can prepare. Please stay for the night... I never had much visitors before and it would really made me glad..." she pleaded with an hopeful expression. How can I say 'no' to that...

"Certainly, Miss Himiko. It's the least we could do, so you and the girls catch up. And the place looks comfy—How can we refused?"


"Ugh... I guess... Just keep the frogs away from my face! Like hell I'm letting them lick my face with slime!" the cat boy complained.

"I supposed. More chances for me to visit!"

"Hell no. Stay at your house..." Uotani mentioned protectively. All into that, it was a great night. She brings back the nostalgic games we had forgotten and even added the new games she learned. She's eager to understand everyone. I see her... Opening a lot more about her friends, especially her bear friend, Victor. She even tell us stories about each creature until Shigure was the first one to fell asleep.

We eat her cookies insistingly as she tell us more about the rest. Even her baby rat friend. She said that her name was Yu. She met him, almost cold and lifeless last year during winter and took him in. When she sometimes get herself into trouble, her friends gave her a hand.

"Ooh oooh! Tell us your favorite story! We never heard it before!"

"But I don'thave any..."

"Favorite fairytale story then?" I went more into detailed before she beamed. "Got'cha..." I mumbled with a small smirk in victory as me and Uotani made a cheer from our tea cup of hot chocolate. It actually taste good coming from a cow. She also used the actual cocoa beans.

"Oh yes! Of course I would tell!"

"I rather keep her mouth shu—" I keep him quiet by shoving a bowl of marshmallow from his mouth and let the girl continue. She started telling us about her favorite fairytale where there is a prince, and a girl who loves to dance. He watch her dance most of the time from her hiding spot. But then, a war took over their kingdom. The two were lucky enough to escape and look for a way to get it back from another prince named 'Prince Akuri'.

The story went on with the first prince falling in love and so did the girl, but when she found out that this 'Prince Akuri' used to be her everything from her childhood, she hesitated when the plan was to kill the prince in order to save the kingdom.

"She's so stupid! ! If she really love the first prince and her kingdom, she should hardened her heart a little. Either her childhood or the kingdom!" Kyo complained while drinking his mug of hot cocoa.

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