Chapter 12: Nevermore

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The exams had finished as Mio groaned for having nothing right to answer on social studies the most. Math won't be an issue with all her accounting material and Yuki's teaching, but with the rest wasn't easy. She misused the math formula on science and graphed a Cartesian plane by mistake during Arts test. She never knew being in school wasn't a trip to paradise or freedom.

Although, she was glad to manage the other subjects well. As long as she isn't in failing grade, that would be fine. As she watched Tohru thanking Yuki for the tutorials, she wondered how her home was doing. It's been quite a while since Yuki gave him his shoulders for her to cry on about the field and how his parents paid for it just for the sake of Dad's forgiveness and Mom's way of taking her back in Kyoto.

Deciding after school, she wanted to return just for a short while. "Sorry Tohru, Kyo, Sohma-kun... I would really love to walk with you guys back, but I need to check my field for a moment. It will just be for the weekends before school starts again and go for a run on different jobs while you're at it..." Himiko explained grabbing a few notebooks to write on for the next lesson in History just so to pass the time.

"No worries, Miss Himi. Just don't over do it. The next school day would be on Monday, so always check your calendar..." Yuki paused when he notice a book on her locker and checked it out. "The Most Idiotic Traveller in the World?" "O-Oh! A librarian wanted me to keep it after I helped her out on returning the books in the library. No one actually reads, so she wanted me to have it as her thank you! And I love it! This would be my bedtime stories for the animals later. Thanks for reminding me, Sohma-kun..." she exclaimed.

"Uhh... no problem?" It was a weird choice for the silver rat boy, but he didn't bother questioning her judgement. Besides, the final-terms are almost over. In spring time, they would be second-years then. After his conversation with Mio's lover, Issei stopped visiting her everyday. He comes, but not that often and Mio was thankful for his understanding.

That's right. Yuki found out that she and Tsubaki stayed in touch, but only has friends. The guy hasn't get over it until he decides to meet up with Yuki and become his friend too. Of course, Yuki rejected it. There's no way he is befriending Mio's ex boyfriend that easily after what happened, but Issei was persistent. Yuki glanced at his wrist for a while and got a small smile playing around his lips and insisted on walking her to the near bus station.

"You really don't have to, Sohma-kun... I can walk to the bus station just fine" she reassured, but he didn't budged. "There's an on-going robbery around that street and as a man, it's normal for me to walk a lady. Besides that, I don't want you taking the wrong bus on the way..." he unknowingly teased, making her playfully huff.

"You're lucky that you mean well... Anyone who said that would have a chance to get beaten by me..."

"If you can after what I did to Kyo" he kept on his words before she pout. "Try to go easy on me! Dad just put me up in a taekwondo training the other day!" That got Yuki ruffling her hair since she and her dad are finally getting along before reaching the bus station.

"Well I'll look forward to see you fight against me one day. For now, we will keep you and Miss Honda safe. We'll hold the responsibility if we got you both in danger. Especially you, Mio. You're the most important person to me after all..." The sentence caught the girl off guard for a minute.

"I-I'm... that important?" She stammered as she repeat the words that was circling around her head. "Of course you are. Doesn't anyone ever told you that?" He asked as they wait for her bus. It got her speechless as she hid her smile while thinking about it.

"W-Well, no. Not even Papa Hoo and dad. N-Not even Issei-san ever told me that... They just said that they love me so much... Nothing more than that... I-'Important' is a big word, don't you think?" Himiko mentioned, slightly shy and awkward.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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