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Work is copyrighted by Hayley Ryan as its the work of fiction, and is my own original idea. No reproducing/copying or using this plot and just altering it slightly will NOT be allowed - if you want to reproduce it for some reason seek permission from the Author first. Please respect my original work, I give credit where its due for example the covers, do not try and copy it because you have no imagination.


Everything will change; as soon as the time comes he will tear through the veil. When he succeeds no one will be able to stop him, unless somehow they lived through everything...Cameron glanced at his two daughters - one ruthless and evil to the bone the other - there was something pure about her he didn't like. Celine frowned at her father; there were many years between his daughters, for he himself was far older than he looked. Their mother was dead, she was murdered by Aiden. He claimed that it was because she had crossed the boundary, but Cameron knew the real reason. He mourned for Jessie still, she had been reincarnated but neither of them knew who it was.

Celine huffed "Father, can I go now? I have chaos to cause if your plan is to work."

"I don't like it," Izzy protested her amber eyes flickered to her father "why are we doing this again?"

"Izzy darling, you want to be able to live again, to need oxygen, to hear you beating heart, don't you?" Cameron scowled at his other daughter, she frowned "Well duh, but how is Celine gonna help that?"

Celine flipped her flaming orange hair "Izzy trust us, this needs to happen. We need Aiden's own people to rally against him; when they're with us - that's our time - to strike."

Izzy sighed "I guess my opinion doesn't matter anyway."

"You're right dear sister;" Celine said dryly, "your opinion doesn't matter."

Izzy scowled, her emotions never once appearing when she's with her sister and father. She knows they wouldn't appreciate her breaking down. Cameron nodded "Celine go, make Aiden regret ever killing your mother."

"With pleasure father," Celine purred. Her demon blood running through her veins she took off running, once she was out of sight Cameron looked distastefully at Izzy "Shoo Izzy, go entertain someone or do something useful. I don't need you loitering round our home."

Izzy managed to keep her hurt in check, she said, her voice barley wavering "Yes father."

With that she left, her white and black hair no longer visible. Cameron sighed as he paced back and forth in his chamber. He was the ruler of the Dark part to the Afterlife; the side where forgotten ghosts would come and demons were free to roam, a place where nightmares came true and haunted you - where you were never safe. Scowling at the mirror he realised that until he ruled over the living and the good side he would never be satisfied. There was a slight knock on the great ebony door, his head snapped up to find Crystal at the door, sighing he snapped "What is it Crys?"

She said softly "Its Izzy - she's gone to the land of the living."

"You mean my pathetic daughter actually went to Earth?!" he said amused.

Crystal nodded meekly, "Yes that's what I mean."

"Ridiculous and impossible," He snapped, she sighed "Sadly it's very possible, as the gate keepers saw her leave."

Cameron glared at her; Crys rolled her eyes at his childish dismissal but gladly left him. He turned to the window and stared out at the part of the dead world he ruled, never had he thought Izzy would be brave enough to venture into the land of the living. Guess he was wrong about that, about her, very wrong.

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