Chapter 24

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The days turned into weeks and weeks into months and months to years; as we were here on Earth, it's strange to be back here. At her house, everything is restored her room though, remains untouched. Gradually the pain lessens for us all, we learn to move on, as we know she's still around thanks to her connection with Jessie, her and Ed are closer than ever. But if you look closely at her siblings and friends, who have been with her through thick and thin, even her parents; there's a strange sense of sadness and guilt residing within them. Perhaps because to them, they failed her, in the end she gave up her life to save her father; and then gave up having her parents with her so that her siblings would have them to guide them. She lost everything really...and yet keeps it all.

She knows we'll all wait here, whether it takes 10yrs, however long we'll all wait. We'll wait for the day she returns with the united forces of the other dimensions...then we'll prepare to rid the Earth of any threatening demons and ghosts; even if we don't all make it - we'll have changed the world for the better.

Izzy giggled "Xavier what are you doing?"

The pair of them were in the kitchen baking a cake, well trying to bake a cake, if anything they're having food fights and making out. I sighed as I watched Cam and Liz train under Richards guidance, already 3yrs have passed and it still hurts not seeing her face, knowing that we've never really had a relationship; sure we made out. But neither of us ever finalised what we were to each other - we are in love - but are we dating? I wouldn't know as we never discussed that topic.

Sometimes its painful seeing the couples surrounding me, and knowing that she's out there doing heaven knows what, leaving us here to prepare the best we can. Cam came over to me, leaving Liz and Richard to spar. He looked at me, he's changed over the years too, Liz being back has helped; so has Lois. Cam sighed "Hurts doesn't it?"


He looked sideways at me "You know she's not gone forever, she'll come home,"

"Yet I doubt she sees this house as her home anymore Cam," I mumbled moving from leaning against the basement wall, I went to leave but he caught my arm, turning me to look into his eyes "Aiden I meant you, you're her home, remember that you dumbass."

A smile played over my lips, for the first time in 3yrs I actually felt like smiling, he shook his head at me "Quit beating, yourself up about it, she strong, stronger than most of us give credit for."

"Izzy?!" Celine yelled, "I am so telling dad!"

Cam rolled his eyes "Those two are a pain in my ass."

"Dad," Celine came running in, "Izzy and Xavier were trying to make babies."

Cam choked on air as his eyes bulged, Izzy and Xavier came in, and both were red and covering in flour and cake mix. Liz and Richard chuckled as they continued training, Xavier panted from the running "It's not what you think Cam."

Cam glared at him and Izzy "Either way, I thought I told you to keep it PG when I'm around."

"Dad," Izzy growled, "you were in the basement and wouldn't have seen - we don't even kiss in front of you, we just cuddle. You and Liz are constantly kissing in front of us!"

"IZZY!" Cam snarled father and daughter are quite alike; Celine just smirked at the pair of them. Pretty much everyone had come down here to see what was happening, Jamie snorted "Cam really leave the poor girl alone, she does have a point."

"I'm the father and the oldest here," he hissed.

A voice boomed "Not quite Cameron,"

Frankie breathed "Hades? Dad?"

Gabe saluted at her and then leaders from all different dimensions appeared, Richard stared at them all "Why are you all here?"

"Well," Hades began staring at Cam, "someone needs to put this brat in his place. Right Gabe?"

"Indeed," Gabe nodded his eyes twinkled though as he locked gazes with Cam, "here's a question would you rather the King or Queen told you off?"

Cam swallowed as he stepped back, no one knew of the Queen of the Underworld, Carol chuckled "Chose carefully Cam."

"Queen," he said Hades smirked as he bellowed "Hey sweetie come get him!"

A familiar voice growled "I told you if you called me that again, you'd lose your balls Hades."

Hades paled as Lois stepped out, her eyes narrowed on him as he hid behind Gabe "Don't let her hurt me."

"She's your Queen not mine," Gabe chuckled, Carol snorted "So you've been having fun then ruling alongside Hades?"

Lois shot her mum a withering look "He won't stop calling me 'sweetie', its annoying and Gabe does nothing to help. Stupid angel face,"

"Lou," Gabe growled as his eyes flickered with amusement as she squealed, Gabe having tackled her to the floor both were rolling over and over trying to gain the upper hand. Frankie smiled at the pair of them "Dad leave her alone,"

"Nope," he said chuckling as he pinned her beneath him, "Now then where were we in our previous fight?"

She scowled at him "I was winning and you were losing as I had just hit you in the nuts."

"Oh yeah," Gabe muttered weakly, her face was pure evil, as she smirked at him "does the angel not want to play? To bad, since I'm bored and you started this."

"Did not," he yelped as she sent him flying towards Hades, who stepped out of the way leaving Gabe a heap on the floor. Lois smiled "So Cameron, leave Izzy and Xavier alone, you always wanted to be a grandfather right?"

"Not funny Lois," he growled as he watched her, she dipped her head, "ok we fight if you win they keep it PG if I win they can do what they like in front of you."

He smirks at her "Deal."

I shook my head at the pair of them - she's not been back 10mins and already her and Cam are fighting over someone else's relationship. Lois paused "That reminds me, Frankie?"

Frankie flushed red "Yeah we are, cool ya beans."

"Eeeek!" she squealed running over and hugging her, and that was when it set in, she was actually here, she was back and the next thing she was in my arms. She smiled "I kept my promise didn't I?"

My breathing hitched as I looked at her "Yeah, you did baby."


Hello people, you know its been forever since I updated NSN, I have another two chapter and the epilogue I think left, hopefully you guys can get this book to 710 for the next update? Can you? Love to everyone who has read this far.


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