Chapter 22

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I felt the love of my family and friends circle around me, protecting me in its own bubble. The power surge I had got from darkness itself, and then my friends and family was enough to push me above his. He stared at me both of us, were void of emotion as we face each other down, my flames that licked at me, never harming, only serving as heat and a shield. And yet it can act as an attack...for instance, I flung my hand out in his direction and flames shot out in his direction. He hissed as he rolled to the floor, to avoid the main hit, he still got singed though. I smirked at him "Oh I may be near death after this, in fact I will die, but I will not die without you coming down with me."

He snickered "Why? Because you made a promise; please Lou, you can't kill me. Not now anyway, you're too weak now, so good luck with fulfilling that promise. You'll just fade, into nothing, like those before you."

"And if I don't?" I challenged as my eyes burnt into his, he stared right back at me; neither of us wavering. He glowered at me "Oh trust me Lou, you will fall, and you'll come crashing down when you do."

I snorted, highly un-lady like but nevertheless, is he really that blind? Can he not see that I have no issues with my death, thus my power grows as I'm willing to die for my family and friends; he's not. Making him weaker than I, it's how it always goes in these situations, guess those before me were not enveloped in love and courage but had to go it alone.

"Oh dad," I purred letting the flames simmer down as I stared at him, "you really are clueless - I don't give a damn about dying - unlike you. I am encased with love from all those behind me - you're not. Have you gotten it yet?"

His eyes darkened in understanding "NO! I will not lose to you, I won't die, and I will never die!"

"Daddy," I said slowly my eyes blinking slowly as he looked at me, I added winking at him "Haven't I ever told you this, 'never say never'?"

He roared as he stumbled towards me, rolling my eyes I dove out the way. He was already fading now, guess the powers that be realise he needs putting down forever this time. I chucked sadly as I watched him "Do you not see father? Everything I ever did was for my family, for my friends, I may be part demon; right now I may reign as the demon Queen; I know how to kill my own, I know love, sorrow, pain, loss and anger. Those are things that will always remain with me, they remain untouchable."

"No," he rasped as blood began to trickle down his nose, I smiled sadly at him "they all thought it'd be some big fight, to be honest I did, but you surprised yet again dad."

His eyes flew wide as he stared at me, and that's when I saw the human in come out, his gaze softened as he looked at me "Lou...I'm so sorry, I was no longer in control, I was power hungry and it consumed me Lou."

"I know," I said brokenly as Maisie came over, the circle was now in place and would stay there as long as they fed their power into it, they were now free to move. She looked at him with hurt in her eyes "Why'd you leave us dad? Why'd you leave Lou to bare the pain and heartache? Why, did you let your family break from lack of money?!"

By then she was screaming at him as he looked at her, the pain showed in his eyes as he looked at us "I never meant to hurt anyone, some say you don't control the demon, it controls you; for me its so very true."

"Couldn't you fight it?" Kathy cried as Toby moved to embrace her, Richard our dad looked at her "Kathy, pet, it's not that simple. Lou can relate - some day's are harder than others. You feel drained as if just walking is a chore, as if they control you; you're the puppet on the string. The thing that's inside of you, is controlling your every move, every word."

Everyone turned to look at me as I stared at my dad, he smiled at me "I know when you were a kid, and struggling to make ends meet, there were many dark days that no one knew of. Not even mum, that was the demon inside of you baby girl."

Tears streaked my face as I stared at him, I shuddered as I fell to my knees "Y-you were there?! I thought I felt you, I thought I was mad, but you were there when I needed the most dad. Why?"

"Lou?!" He said in alarm as my eyes fluttered closed "No one is born evil daddy, you proved that, every one of us who was destined to be 'evil' isn't, we're the misunderstood. The ones that people can't fathom, and so we're cast aside like old toys; broken..."

Jamie stared at me "You're fading already Lou, what do we do?"

"Let me go," I sighed as my dad made is way over to me, embracing me in his arms he sighed "One day we'll come back, there's another world completely for the faded, something I recently discovered. A world far from this one, it could take a while for us to find you once more."

My gaze locked onto Aiden who wouldn't meet my gaze, I smiled faintly "Aiden, don't shut them out, talk to them; to my friends, family and your friends. Let them help, don't push them away,"

"Lois..." he said, his voice was void of all emotion, I chuckled at him, "Aiden I'm not going anywhere, don't you get that?"

He stared at me confused as I explained looking at him "I'll always be here, within everyone of you, I'm in your hearts in your dreams and nightmares ahem Cameron," I gave him a pointed look which he flipped me off, I smiled at him "See, I'm still here, within each and everyone of you. Remember that, remember us, always..."


I glanced to the clearing "Mum?"

"Lou I don't see her?" Jamie said concerned, I looked at them then at her, she smiled at me, her cheeks were flushed "Relax chickie, you're time is done, you did it and brought the human back to the front; we'll be back here soon. Before you know it we'll be back, I promise."

I stumble to my feet and hug Aiden, his arms wrap around my waist, before suddenly going through me; I smile at him as his eyes fill with tears. We're soul mates, even if we've not spent much time together, I love him, and he loves me. I cup his cheek "Relax love, I'm always here, even in death."

I knew when they could no longer see me because he looked away from me; Maisie broke down in sobs as did Frankie. Hm...where is Owen in all of this I wonder - those two must be together by the time I come back or there'll be hell to pay. Trust me on that one, my mum smiled at me "Coming Lou?"

"Sure mum," I replied jogging over to her and dad, they both looked at me, "ya know we've got bigger plans. We aim to rid the earth of demons, and vengeful spirits, sadly that'll take time."

I grabbed hold of my parents hand looking them in the eyes "We have plenty of time, so what's the plan then?"


Four more chapters left guys! I hope you enjoy this double update, and please comment, vote.


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