Chapter 6

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Darkness surrounded me; I could feel it trying to kill me, trying to get inside of me. I choked on it as it tried to enter my body, squirming I floated forwards; almost as if I were in water. I saw a figure floating in the water, doing me best to swim through the darkness I stared in shock when I saw Cameron. He looked up at me "What are you doing here? How are you in my nightmare?"

"Your nightmare, Cameron this is just darkness?" I said as I floated above him, he looked at me, pain reflected in his eyes "Look I'm sorry I'm a dick but I need her again, I have to see Liz again. She's my soul mate, without her I'm nothing. Please just leave, before Richard comes."

I looked at him confused "Who's Richard?"

"The Boss, the person who makes me a monster in the Afterlife, here in my dream state I'm the same guy I used to be." He growled out, I floated closer to him "I promise to find a way to help you Cameron, Jessie and I both, don't give up hope...Liz wouldn't want that."

His eyes widened as he watched me "Thank you Lois, Jessie, I knew there was reason I seemed to hate Jessie more, thus you too Lois, it's because you have him scared. You can enter the shield he built around me; you can make me be me again. So thank you..."

I bolted upright breathing ragged and my vision was blurry as I tried to get my bearings again. I had no idea what time it was, all I know is that it's around 1am. Sighing I clambered to my feet and stretched, my mind was still on that weird dream. Jessie?

Yes Lois.

Have you ever heard of a Richard?

She was quiet for a moment, as I made my way down the hall to the training room, she then said No I haven't but I may be able to do some background check on him.

How Jessie, in case you forgot you're inside of me.

She chuckled So? Doesn't mean I can't access the archives, now does it?

I guess not.

Stop worrying, oh and heads up Aiden's in their, seems he can't sleep either.

I groaned in frustration as I stared at the doors that led to the training room, where Aiden was, a guy who is apparently my soul mate. Now don't get me wrong, the whole soul mate thing is appealing, but personally I don't believe in anything unless I've witnessed it myself. The amount of times I've been let down, not only is Cam on my mind along with Richard, so is my mum. Sighing I quietly crept into the room, to see Aiden completely absorbed in beating the crap out of a punch bag. Whatever the reason he couldn't sleep, he was taking it out on the punch bag. I watched him as his muscles tensed across his torso and his blonde hair was damp with sweat, I sat on the window seat. Glancing out across the kingdom of the dead, the damned and many more, the thump of him pounding the bag suddenly stopped. Startled I glanced up only to find green eyes watching me, he smiled faintly "What are you doing up Lois?"

"Can't sleep," I murmured softly watching him warily, round him my heart went to mush as did my brain, no one had ever had this effect on me. It felt like I was jelly, I bet if I were stood my legs would buckle under me. He came over to me and sat down next to me, he asked "How long you been in here?"

"A while I guess," I replied looking to the window, sighing I said "considering the show you just put on I would say you don't need to be working on force, more balance."

He tilted his head to the side as he studied me; shifting uncomfortably I asked "What?"

"You're like a puzzle, once I have part of you solved; I get hit with another section leaving me totally blind sighted. It's like the more I know about you - the more questions I have." He replied quietly, his gaze never once leaving mine. He smirked at me as he leaned against the wall, still shirtless. I growled "Can you put a shirt on."

"I could, but I'm not going to, it's more amusing to watch your reaction." He replied smiling as I shot him a glare, he chuckled "So your siblings seem keen to have you date Xavier again."

I rolled my eyes "Yeah, not like that's gonna happen again, we tried it but after a while it just didn't work out. We're better off as friends,"

"And yet he wasn't bothered in the slightest when asked to kiss you," he said stiffly. Now it was my turn to smirk at him "Aw pet you jealous?"

His eyes darkened as he moved closer to me, I shivered as his breath fanned on my neck, his lips brushed along my neck. He chuckled as he whispered in my ear "Unless you want me to kiss the hell out of you, refrain from using pet names for me. It drives me crazy,"

He pulled back, eyes were a stormy green from desire as he watched me, never has a guy looked at me like that, like I'm the worlds marvel. Shuddering I said "Didn't realise, Jessie forgot to mention that."

"She can't lead you forever," he smiled, his eyes lightening again, "she only knows about Ed and Ed only knows about Jessie. It's up to us to learn about each other; of course both sides have to be willing...are you?"

My eyes met his; I said softly "Perhaps one day, not now though, not when so much is happening right now, I can't handle more emotions than necessary right now."

"Remember to come find me, when you've figured it out, 'kay?" he smiled getting up and moving to the door, I glanced at him, my hair falling over my eyes I nodded "I will...Aiden."

With that he left, the door clicking quietly back into place, running a hand through my hair I glanced across at the outside. The moon hung in the black night sky, no stars were here, just the moon and the sky. The moon cast light down at the rose trellis that marked the front door to this place. I gasped as I saw a figure there...Celine?!


Short chap - what do you think for those who are reading it and have read the old version? Better? I think so I can connect with them better now - anyhow dedication to tbhnewt who's part of a collab user slintheadnewt with me and two others, who get there own dedication in another chapter. I haven't forgotten you guys - so if you like the Maze Runner check out Failed Experiment on this account or the collab - it'll be on both. And Kayla thanks for letting me be a part of the collab - check out her TMR fan fiction too its awesome. 


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