Chapter 5

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Cam and Celine had left after watching Lois quietly, sighing I was in my room in the castle. It was as if Lois and Jessie had the ability to see through any barrier Cam and Celine put up, I had my suspicions but I didn't say anything in case I was wrong; I remembered a brief moment in time when Cam had actually been ok to hang around then he began to push us away. Trying to get us to hate him - I don't think anyone could hate him - even Aiden couldn't. We were just pissed that he thought he could handle whatever he was doing by himself - it was clear to us he couldn't.

I turned to my door when I heard a knock, Frankie was stood at the threshold smiling faintly "Hi, I'm Frankie, you're Naomi right?"

"Yeah, what brings you here?" I asked, gesturing for her to come into my room. She smiled slightly "I have a question for you, about Lois and Aiden?"

Now that piqued my interest - let her be a matchmaker like me - oh pretty please. I looked at her; my eyes dancing with hope "Go on Frankie,"

"If Jessie and Ed weren't inside of them would they still love each other?" she asked curiously, I chuckled "yeah they would Frankie - they're soul mates. Ed and Jessie could have been reincarnated into anyone but its rather ironic they chose two people who like them, are soul mates. Why?"

She smirked "Just wondering cause Aiden keeps on making doe eyes at her as she sleeps, oh and Xavier is watching Izzy rather weirdly."

"Ah girlie," I sighed, "you have no idea how long I've waited to find someone who enjoys messing with love lives as me."

"Ditto." She snickered as we made our way back to the lounge area, where Lois was seemingly glaring at nothing. Xavier glanced across at her "Lois who are you glaring at?"

"Jessie." She snapped as she resumed glaring again, I smiled "You do realise she's inside of you?"

"Oh I know," she growled, "but we're having a nice chat and a disagreement aren't we Jessica?"

I rolled my eyes at her, whatever they're discussing; I want no part if they're pulling the big guns aka full names. Jamie sighed "So now what? How are we meant to deal with Cam and Celine now when they're not even in control?"

We all stared at Lois as she hissed, her eyes green "We walk up to the doors of his fucking castle and scream until he comes out. Then we can knock them out, drag 'em back here and lock 'em in the cells."

Suddenly her blue eyes were back she growled as she got up, and began pacing the floor, concern over took her features as she began thinking. Frankie looked at sympathetically "You worried about them?"

Her gaze snapped to lock on Frankie, her shoulders sagged in defeat "I try so hard to help them, but Mum has a habit of spending it on anything but what we need. Last time she bought them all clothes instead of food...I usually split the cash in half so I could get food in for us. But with me not there...I have to wonder if they'll be ok."

I looked at her, what is she on about? Surely they go through no pain, the way they seem to be so carefree and happy, noticing both Aiden and Kaleb both look at her with the same expressions as I. Jamie looked at Lois smiling sadly, all her friends did, it was Owen who went over to her "Do you wanna go check on them?"

She looked at him "I want them to be safe Owen; I don't want them to have depend on me like they should mum! I don't want to go back there and see them starving because mum forgot that we ran out of food! I just want them to not need to worry, to have a dad who's alive and didn't die; who didn't leave us, forcing us to work our butts off to survive."

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