Chapter 16

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My eyes flew open as I heard movement in the room, looking around I saw we were in a fancy room, the bed sheets were made from silk and the room was huge. There was also a fireplace, the flames were crackling away, scanning the room my eyes came to rest on him. Aiden stood by the window, the few sun rays that had peeked over the horizon caused his face to be all angles and shadows as it was still mostly dark. I whispered "Aiden, you ok?"

He turned to face me, tears were slowly leaking down his face, without hesitation I went to him. Wrapping my arms around his torso, he rested his head in the crook of my neck, tears dampening my top. I breathed "Aiden what's wrong? Please talk to me love."

"You nearly died for me baby," he shuddered pressing himself closer to me, "and you father is determined to kill you, I don't want to lose you."

I chuckled quietly, causing him to pull away slightly, he frowned at me. Sighing I pushed his sandy blonde hair out of his eyes, which were a dark green right now "Love that's the risk of being with me, there's no guarantee I'll make it through this alive, but I'll try my best to survive...for you."

"Lou..." he said huskily, I shivered from pleasure as his fingers traced up my arm to my neck, his hands cupped my face as he leaned in closer "Please tell me when to stop, whenever I'm near you I don't know when to stop...I can't think when I'm near you."

I giggled, as I brushed my lips with his, my arms wrapping round his torso again. I nipped his lower lip, causing him to growl deep in his throat, switching our positions he pinned me against the wall, his mouth leaving burning kisses along my collarbone then down my shoulder coming to a stop when my top interfered on my arm. His eyes met mine, something stirred deep within me, I felt it pull me towards him. He smirked at me as he pressed his mouth to mine, our tongues fought for control, which he won. As his hands came up to cup my hips, then trailed down to my thighs, pulling me up against him; my legs locked around his waist as he and the wall supported me.

A soft moan escaped me, as he kissed over my pressure point which was over my pulse on my neck, he chuckled softly as he kissed it again, licking it and nipping it. I moaned again my body arching giving him better access to my neck. He accepted it, as he began leaving trails of fire wherever his lips connected with my skin.


I smiled against her skin, as she arched back for me, her moans encouraging me further. She murmured "Love, what about you?"

"Never mind about me," I growled, leaving another hickey on her shoulder, "I can wait you clearly can't."

Her cheeks flamed as her eyes met mine "Can too."

"Oh really?" I chuckled as I trailed my hands across her stomach with the top still firmly in place. She breathed in sharply I smirked "Baby I haven't even touched your skin there yet, you sure you can wait?"

She breathed in deeply "Lets just say I could but my body can't."

"Fine by me baby," I replied roughly as my body hummed with need and desire. I may have been lying a bit when I say I could wait, but she deserves more than me anyway. She purred softly in my ear "You look tense with need there love."

I growled as she used a pet name, what can I say, for some odd reason they turned me on. She chuckled as she caressed my face; she began leaving butterfly kisses across my face, then down to the hollow of my throat. She giggled "Your pulse is racing love,"

"I wonder why." I commented dryly, as I leaned into her so we wouldn't fall backwards. She chuckled as she slipped out from my embrace, my eyes widened as I felt pressure on my lower back; I felt her press up against my back, my back against her front. She purred "Your turn love."

I shivered as she trailed her hands across my back; because I rarely slept in a t-shirt I was naked to the waist. Her fingers touching my skin sent electric bolts up my veins; she licked my neck before coming back to me, in between the wall and me. She smiled at me as she kissed my stomach, causing a billion butterflies to be released. I ran my fingers through her hair as she pressed kisses to my stomach, gradually making her way up to my chest. Before she rubbed my nose with hers "So love, how are you doing there?"

"Ok," I replied huskily, my eyes opening to meet hers, which had darkened to a stormy sea blue. She smiled faintly "Tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, it's the first time of making out like this."

My eyes widened "Did you and Xavier?"

That'd be a real turn off, she flushed "He was my first love, my first kiss but that was it, I'm 15 Aiden."

"And you're mine," I growled as I pressed my mouth to hers again, her lips tasted so sweet like chocolate and strawberries. She kissed me back, matching my hunger and passion, as her hands tangled in my hair. She suddenly took control pushing me back, until we fell onto my bed, she slithered on top of me. Breaking the kiss she leaned back to look at me "Sooo no further than kissing, just saying love."

I smirked "Promise, but that don't stop me from teasing you."

"What-" she got cut off as she moaned, my lips having started to kiss at a silver of skin that showed between her jeans and top. My hands trailed underneath her top, stopping just below her rib cage. Her breathing was quickening with every touch, as was mine as her hands roamed my chest and drew patterns on my neck.

"You know if the other hear us, they may come up." She breathed as I placed another kiss on her neck, she was still on top of me...I'll have to do something about that. I chuckled "My wing is on the opposite side of the castle to where they'll be, we're fine.


I sighed as he kissed my neck again, only to have the breath knocked out of me when he switched up our positions. Chuckling softly he dipped his head, and his tongue trailed along my stomach, sending shivers of pleasure through me, I breathed "Aiden...we should stop before we can't."

"Lois," he mumbled as he stopped and fell on top of me, his face was inches from mine as we watched each other. He smiled faintly "You're cute, you know that right?"

"Nope," I replied moving into his arms instead of being on the silk sheets. He sighed as he wrapped his arms around me; I giggled "What the hell is Xavier doing?"

"What?!" Aiden growled, my gaze found his, which was lit with jealousy. I giggled again as I kissed his cheek "Don't worry love, I love you not him. However he seems to have the hots for Izzy...and Izzy likes him too."

He relaxed again "Well we could always nudge them in the right direction?"

"Oooo, hell yeah, we have to do that!" I giggled as I jumped up happily, "we have to get Frankie and Owen together too!"

He chuckled as he got up and pulled me to him, I tilted my head up to see him, he brushed my black hair from my face as he spoke "Yeah I'm sure we can manage that baby,"

I went on my tiptoes to kiss him fully, he kissed me back, his tongue asking for entrance; which I gladly gave. Gradually we got lost in our love for one another; in the knowledge that we were soul mates; that we are meant to be together...


Thoughts? Thanks for reading <3


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