Chapter 1

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We appeared in front of my house, I've never been proud of what my mum has to do, honestly neither is she; it's the only way though for us to make money. After my dad died everything feel on my mum's shoulders to care for us, so I helped out with my siblings. Maisie is 8, Kathy is 6 and Toby is 4, they were a nightmare at times but it didn't make me love them any less. I felt a sense of dread as I led my friends to the door, even my brother Jamie hasn't been inside and for a good reason too.

As soon as I entered I was hit with the stench of sweat and aftershave - I cast my eyes to the door nearest us and saw the tell tail sign for me. Mum always made sure I knew where she was and what she was doing, looking at the door there was a pink post-it-note stuck there, meaning she was with a 'client'. I use the term loosely as what they do is not really deserving of the title 'client'.

Xavier frowned "What the hell is that smell?"

Shrugging I let them in, making sure they avoided the door, and we made our way to the lounge. Toby was sat on the couch along with Maisie and Kathy, all were watching Netflix. As soon as I saw what they were watching I nearly had a heart attack - seriously mum Vampire Diaries? Sheesh has she seen the amount of steamy scenes there are in that. Swiftly I stopped it and switched it to a Disney movie. Maisie pouts "Sis...we were enjoying that."

"I bet you were," I said to her as they were all looking at me then strangely at Xavier. Throwing my hands up in despair at them, I said "No, no and no! I refuse for you to try and pair me up with my friends."

Toby giggled "Can you sing for us?"

"Yeah mum and her latest toy are waaaay too loud," Kathy adds, causing me to scowl at her. I chided "Mum does what she has to Kathy, to keep us under a roof, pay the bills and eat and have clothes. Now then, have you eaten?"

Jamie looked at me like I was stupid "Lois your mum will have fed them already, it's nearly half 6."

"Nope," Maisie replied quietly, "she hasn't Lois. Since 3 she's been busy with at least 2 separate times of course."

Sighing I looked at my siblings "Pasta?"

"We had that yesterday Lou," Maisie said quietly, "don't we have anything else?"

"Yeah a big fat nothing Maisie." I snapped, "Pasta or sandwiches?"

Toby mumbled "Actually we ran out of bread last week, mums boss wanted it."

I fumed "Well next time he's here and I am, I'll hit him with our only pot. Perhaps then he can die of brain swelling."

"Lou," Kathy whispered, "why can't daddy come back?"

This of course had caused everyone to watch us; they all seemed rather shocked and horrified. Frankie said "I'm sure daddy will come back soon...right Lois?"

Yeah, they had no clue he was dead. Only Maisie understood, she smiled sadly "Kathy leave Lou alone, we may as well go reheat the pasta in the microwave."

"Maisie - don't burn yourself!" I called as they all left to go to the kitchen.

Xavier frowned "Don't you have anything else apart from pasta?"

"Nope," I sighed as I collapsed on the sofa, "and that pasta has lasted us from the start of the week to now, so 4days. What can I say, we can't afford much."

"Netflix?" Jamie growled, I met his gaze, "it came with the deal I struck with mum's boss."

Suddenly another voice could be heard, two actually, male and female. My mum cooed "Thanks again honey for the tip."

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