Chapter 18

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Heart hammering against my rib cage, I stared at the ceiling as I thought over everything, Frankie and I share one thing in common; we're both of royal decent unknown to most. Frankie's the daughter of Gabriel the angel leader who technically rules over Aiden's side, only he tends to stay illusive letting Frankie do the work; well until she fell in love with Owen. I have no idea how long she's loved him, I do however know before Frankie; Owen loved a girl called Layla who is actually Frankie. She just altered her appearance so he wouldn't see her wings and her true heritage. As for me, I may have been born on Earth but my father is pure demon that soon became clear to me as I grew older, I just chose to ignore it as I didn't want my perfect father to be shredded. And yet he was, my mum though was human except she's a demon hunter thus I too have that blood running in me. A demon Queen also being the hunter of her own, it's what I am, but in what world is that possible?


I looked across the lounge to see Maisie looking at me, Frankie, Jamie and Xavier were all huddled close to the wall, Frankie looking more and more drained. She too will begin to feel her father's presence inside of her again; she was banished as a test, to see if she'd remain ever loyal to her kind. And she's befriended me a weird girl who may be demon by blood but is also a hunter of demons by blood. According to Cam I also have a heart and a human side that I should fight to keep...

Maisie rolled her eyes at me "Quit thinking sis, let the solution come to you, we have time."

"For now perhaps," I muttered my eyes flashing, "but he'll start again soon, something much worse then having my loyalty by force is for me to beg for mercy; and then ask for him to stop by giving him anything he desires."

Frankie sighed "Its what my father always feared, Lou."

"Oh yeah," I smiled as I looked across at her, "how is he? Does he hate me or love me?"

She smirks at me "He loves you, and he's up there convincing a bunch of his top people to try and help us."

"Who's your father?" Cam asks quietly, Frankie snorts "Gabriel."

His eyes snap to meet hers "Wait as in the Angel Gabriel the one who should be in control of Aiden's side?"

"The one and only," she smiles as she meets my gaze, "he wants you to open your mind and let yourself connect with him. He wants to talk...privately."

I roll my eyes "I'm the bloody Queen of Demons and the bloody ruler/King of Angels what a chat...fine by me."

She chuckled as I closed my eyes, freeing myself of everything that's troubling me, shedding all my worries and doubts. And suddenly I felt someone collide with me.


Gabriel what a pleasure, anything in particular you wanted?

I could feel the pause that travelled down a weird bond between us, when your mind connects to another's once, you can always connect again across distances as you know they're wave...they're phone number if it makes it easier for you. You realise your father is attempting to take over the world? And destroy it and create it anew?

Oh trust me Gabe, I know all about that, but I have freed Cam and Liz from him. Only he's now got Celine and Izzy, and my blood.

Hm...that puts us in a difficult place Lois, as my daughter is your friend and you are hers, so naturally I protect those linked to my family. Only I have feeling he wants you...what did you do? There's this weird blue/red bond stretching between you and him?

I smiled as I opened my eyes to see him appear, for the first time in over 5 centuries. I smirked at him as I said I placed a linkage on us, meaning if I die he dies and he dies I die, at the time it was the best option.

"Lois." He sighed as his wings rested at his side he came over to me, "You're meant to be my enemy, the Queen of Demons and yet, there's just something about you that puts me off of killing you."

I playfully hit his arm "My amazing wit and charm?"

"Nope," he chuckled as he ruffles my hair, Frankie rolls her eyes at us "honestly dad you two are like besties already."

Gabe smiled at me "Daughter your friend unknowingly screamed my name when she was just 4, she was asleep but a demon was trying to kill her. That Lois was the first encounter you had, only you didn't remember."

"Wait..." I stared at him, "you saved me when I though I was gonna die on my first teleportation trip? I travelled into here only onto the demon side and you saved me...figures."

"Yeah cause you're not like the others neither is Cam nor Jamie," he smirks, "now then I'd love to stay and chat but I have stuff to attend to. Also my comrades opted out of helping you in physical form, but they can offer guidance should you need it."

I smiled at him "Thanks Gabe, oh yeah also please don't kill him, I don't particularly want to die yet."

"Duly noted Lois," he smiles before blipping out, Owen was staring at Frankie "He's your father?!"

Frankie glanced at him, before looking away "Yeah he is,"

Xavier groaned "This isn't getting us anywhere with finding them,"

I giggled, causing everyone to stare at me; Cam arched a brow at me "Lois?"

"S-sorry," I giggled before collapsing onto the floor from laughter, Frankie glanced at Xavier then me and she chuckled "Aaah I get it, sheesh Lou how long did ya pair them up?"

"A couple of days ago," I chuckled as Cam moaned "Seriously Lois, please tell me you're not matchmaking my daughter with your balancer?"

I smirked at Cam "Nope I'm not."

"Don't lie to me!" he laughed as I pulled a face at him "You wanted me to not tell you, so I did that, not my fault those two have chemistry."

Xavier was by now a bright red "Lou shut up, please."

"No way!" I yelled as I hopped to my feet and pinched his cheeks causing him to redden further "my best friend is growing up, how adorable."

He smacked my hands away only for me to crush him into a hug, he stilled as I whispered in his ear "Please look after them, love her more than you loved me, cause I don't think I'm gonna make it. Promise me?"

He mumbled roughly in my ear "I promise Lou, always."


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