Chapter 8

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My mouth was dry, my eyes were dry no tears would come as we stood in what used to be our lounge. Our mum was laying there, her eyes blank and glassy, her lips still stained with red from her lipstick, her top was shredded from claws. Teeth marks littered her legs, and her skirt was just a slip of fabric now. Maisie was like a stone statue, as she stared at mum, I croaked "This is my entire fault Maisie...I'm so sorry."

"Lou," she rasped, "it's as much as mine as it is yours, I didn't tell you they were still lurking. You forgot about them completely - we are both to blame for this."

I ran a hand through my hair, breathing in shakily "We need to burn her body Maisie."

"I know sis," she said mournfully, "question is can you do it alone?"

I met her look, so young, younger than I to have to grow up. I cried "No...Maisie stand with me, Jamie too."

He's come to stand slightly behind me; he came to stand next to me, Maisie on my other side. He said broken "I swear they will perish for this Lou."

Breathing in shakily I moved my hand, imagining it was a flame and it came a light. I flicked it in mum's direction and we all watched as the flames licked her body. The smell of burning flesh hit us, as we watched her slowly disintegrate into nothing more than a distant memory. Maisie asked quietly "What are we gonna tell Kathy and Toby?"

"I don't know," I sniffed, as tears streamed down my face. We had no one but each other and our friends the hell am I meant to protect them now?



It was weird watching Jessie talk with Celine, it was also strange as the only pull I felt towards her, was Ed's not mine. Meaning I and Lois were soul mates - separate from Ed and Jessie. Sighing I sat on the sofa, everyone was awake and Toby and Kathy were being hugged by Xavier who seemed stressed and worried. Frankie groaned "Why'd they have to go now?"

Owen sighed "If there's a chance Carol's still alive then its better they go now than later."

"And if she isn't?" Kaleb said darkly. Xavier growled "Can you both shut it - Kathy and Toby need this right now."

Kathy wailed "I want Lou! I want my mummy and daddy!"

I watched as Xavier held them closer, as if he could protect them from the harsh world they live in. Lois and her friends were close, and were determined and had drive to help those in need. Mimi touched my shoulder "Aiden?"

"I'm fine Mimi." I replied shortly. I wasn't, but she already knew that as does Owen and Kaleb. I was barely holding it together; Jessie frowned "What the-"

She shrieked in pain as she bolted to her feet, I watched her warily "Jessie you ok?"

"N-no." she breathed as tears bloomed in her eyes; she looked at Xavier who seemed to understand whatever she told him. Before he could do anything though Lois, Jamie and Maisie appeared. Kathy's face brightened "Lou! Jamie! Maisie!"

Toby's lower lip wobbled "I want mummy! I wanna go home!"

Maisie glowered "Toby hush child."

"No." he pouted, they may be young but they act like 11year olds sometimes. Jamie had an arm wrapped around Lois' waist and Maisie still had hold of her hand. The sisters looked ready to explode at any wrong move. Xavier sighed "Do you want me to put them to bed?"

Maisie narrowed her gaze on him; she snapped "No - we're a family Xavier. They'll understand, if not now one day. I'll be by their side for eternity, even if Lou isn't able to be."

Everyone was watching them warily, heck even Jamie looked ready to murder anyone at this point. Jessie went over to Lois "Lou?"

Lois looked up for the first time, her eyes weren't blue they were a mix of red and black almost like Cam's could be at times. Izzy, who' appeared from nowhere again murmured "Lois you're treading a thin line between this form and your hell form."

Mimi said bemused "Hell form?"

"Everyone has them," Izzy explained, her eyes flicking from us to Lois, "rarely know how to reach them and unlock them. Lois' family have always been entangled with the dead, they have always been able to hunt demons, but they also know how to reach their hell forms. A form which is far surpasses their everyday forms, power wise and speed wise.

Xavier hissed "Lou relax, breathe, before you do something you regret."

"Why?" she whispered her eyes meeting his. Kathy stared at her then looked at Maisie, sighing she said "Why'd we have to stay here? You could have taken us with you if you were gonna burn her corpse."

Maisie growled "Kathy enough! Remember the reason we have knowledge beyond our years is because of mum and dad and Lou."

"Yeah," Toby rolled his eyes, "and I can't wait until we look older."

Lois clenched her fists, she breathed "Nope sorry, not gonna make it."

That was the only warning we got before she let loose, her scream slicing my heart in two. Toby and Kathy watched her with sadness as they went over to Maisie and Jamie. Jamie growled "You three I presume were imprinted with procedures to take if she flipped?"

Toby nodded his head "We may be young, but we know what to do, our minds surpass our bodies at the moment."

"Jamie!" Maisie yelled as Lois set herself ablaze as she had magic whirling round her, so much raw power in front of us. Jessie watched her "Lou honey..."

With that she merged back inside of her, Lois stumbled and suddenly it was Jessie and Lois fighting each other. Jamie swore "Fuck!"

Maisie's eyes narrowed on Xavier "Do it."

He set his shoulders as he went over to her; her eyes met his, magic still circled round her. Wind, water, electricity, flames, plants and shards of ice, but he wrapped his arms round her waist and pulled her to him. His lips crashing onto hers, jealousy coursed through me as I watched her kiss him back, Frankie and Owen had moved to complete the circle around them. Slowly but surely she came back down from her hell form, Izzy was watching her with awe, we all were. Toby rolled his eyes "Geez sis quit sucking faces with Xavier."

Maisie giggled "Yeah Aiden's jelly right now."

I flushed crimson as they all looked over at me, Xavier and Lois broke apart, and both were flushed red. Izzy smirked "So Lois a demon hunter by blood and Xavier is in a way her balancer. Interesting,"

"What the hell is a balancer?" Kaleb asked.

Izzy rolled her eyes "Have you all been living under a rock?"

"Nope," I scowled, "we just thought they didn't exist."

She sighed as she explained "A demon hunter is prone to being unstable at times if they react to their emotions too much, like Lois and Maisie do. So they have what's called a Balancer, who are able to quickly and quietly calm the hunter back down from their hell form. Quite useful if you ask me,"

"No on asked you," I snorted eyes flashing with annoyance. She glanced over at me smirking she mouthed 'Just cause you know that makes them closer than you first thought.'

I growled at her before leaving the room, I prowled to the open door way and went to the only place where I could vent, the training room. It was where I took out my frustration, anger and tried to conceal my hurt again.


I like Lois' siblings they're funny, they're so young yet they're so knowledgeable its unreal. Well vote, comment and share. Dedicated to MilaBlake you my dear are an amazing friend and we chat about all sorts, and we help each other with our writing so thank you for being my best friend from England; I can seem to find many brits. xxx


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