Chapter 9

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The steady thud of my fist colliding with the punch bag calmed me down and me remember why I didn't just go up to Lois and kiss the goddamn life out of her. I can't because she has to realise she feels the same too, last night before everything happened when she had come into here; I saw a flicker of something in her eyes - blue like the sea...calm and yet stormy. I felt Ed stir inside of me; for the most part he was quiet and just observed what was happening, meaning he picks up on the things I miss. He groaned Sheesh Aiden if you don't tone back on the beating, the punch bag may keel over.

I growled I need release from my emotions Ed, before it makes me go crazy.

You mean before you kiss Lois like you're dying without her touch. He chuckled. I glowered at the punch bag before sending a roundhouse kick to it, knocking it clean of its hinges. Breathing heavily I growled Ed seriously! I just calmed my damn hormones back down and you go and get me riled up again by mentioning her.

He smirked so it's triggered by her name? Or by her name and then saying what you were thinking of doing to her?

I glowered at the wall, jumping slightly when I heard Owen's voice "What did that wall ever do to you?"

"Nicking my lines already Owen?" Jamie chuckled. I stared at them confused; Jamie shrugged "Xavier and Lou are having a chat with Maisie and the others. Naomi and Kaleb are rather interested in watching the sisters talking and we noticed you'd vanished."

Owen smirked "Yeah and then we find you glaring at the wall after killing off the poor punch bag."

"Needed to let off steam," I mumbled scratching my neck awkwardly. Jamie arched an eyebrow at me smiling faintly "Ya know it's obvious to everyone but her, why you left in a hurry."

I played dumb "I don't know what you're on about."

"Sure," Owen snickered as he sat on one of the training mats, "you couldn't handle seeing her and Xavier being close and you were battling your instincts to go and kiss the life out of her. So you left before you scared her away...sound familiar?"

I sighed as I joined him on the mats "Yeah, all too familiar."

"Just ask her," Jamie said as he browsed the weapons. Owen chuckled "He can't not when he's unsure where she stands with him."

"Jamie? Owen?"

They looked up as did I, we saw Frankie shadowed in the door way, her face was pale and she looked ready to go to bed and sleep for a 100years. Owen asked warily "Frankie you ok?"

She sighed "Yeah, I'm fine Lou has decided to let Jessie out again despite Jessie's protests."

"Is she trying to kill herself?" I fumed, Frankie glanced at me and smirked, "Aiden, Aiden, Aiden she'll do what she wants. She puts everyone else before herself -whether they're alive or not."

Xavier yelled "Lou you are in now way doing that!"

We all glanced at each other, Jamie's mouth twitched as he tried to hide his laughter; Frankie giggled "Looks like Xavier's trying to knock some sense into our girl."

We all went back through to see Lois glaring daggers at him, and him looking ready to strangle her. He growled "No way! Not ever."

"Bite me!" she snapped her eyes flamed with determination as she glared at him. Jessie rolled her eyes "Xavier she has to go. She's the best chance we have at getting him back. Once we have dear Cam back, then we can start to deal with Richards dumb plan."

Lois smirked "See Xavier, I have to go."

"No you don't," he growled his eyes switching to gold. Izzy gasped "He has demon blood? Making him one of the Balancers that got bitten, making him better at balancing her?"

She growled "Do not pull that card with me!"

"Lou," he groaned, "if you're going, let me come."

His eyes flickered up to meet hers, she shook her head "No Xavier, you can't come. I know you want to and that when we were younger we took an oath, but the oath told us to protect each other too. You coming with me will attract more attention."

"You're a demon hunter," he said dryly, "you going to Cam's place means you have to travel through demon areas."

She scowled at him "I can teleport there stupid."

"Not if you don't know what it looks like!" he snapped.

She growled "Well since Jessie's already showed me what it looks like - I think I'm safe in knowing where to go."



They were both staring at each other; intense wouldn't do the looks justice. Jessie rolled her eyes at them as she said dryly "Take a chill pill you two - otherwise the next thing is you'll be 'sucking faces'."

Lois' lips twitched as she burst out laughing "Jessie did you just quote my brother?!"

"Yeah," she replied smirking as Lois dissolved in laughter, Toby pouted at her making her laugh even harder. After everything she's seen and endured - she's still strong enough to laugh - to be able to smile despite the pain she must be feeling. Owen nudged me snickering at me "You're staring Aiden."

"Shut up idiot." I retorted but smiled even so, Xavier sighed "So you want me to stay here?"

She nodded about to speak but he cut her off "I'll stay but you're taking someone with you, and I'm choosing."

"Fine." She said reluctantly.

Xavier smirked at her then me "Aiden."

"WHAT!" She shrieked, her eyes flying wide like saucers. Frankie chuckled "Lou relax, he's the best choice to go with you anyway. So get moving."

She grumbled "Best choice my ass."

"Lou," Jessie warned, catching her attention, "be careful out there. Cam may not be in control I trust you to look beyond Richard's barrier."

She rolled her eyes "Yes Ma'am."

Jessie stuck her tongue out at her to which, Lois did the same, I moved over to her and grabbed her hand. Desperately trying to ignore the sparks that happened when I touched her I said "We should get going before it gets dark again."

"Hm..." she replied staring at Xavier, she narrowed her eyes on him "Xavier behave, Jamie keep him in line for me and Owen keep him in line."

Owen saluted her smirking "Aye, aye Cap'n Birdie."

"Boys..." shaking her head she closed her eyes and then we were gone. Instead we were in front of his castle. And there at the doors was Crys, who smiled at us warmly "Come on in Aiden, Lois."


So this is it for a while, I have school soon so the updates may slow a little. But I hope you enjoy it - vote comment and share! Thanks wolf cubs and readers! If you're keen for an early update then if you manage to get this story to 505views you may just get the next chapter. <3


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