chapter 35

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Paying attention to the detailing of my music major was becoming slightly difficult in a room filled with hormonal whiny girls. Something had obviously distressed these girls so much so that everyone’s attention to their work was broken, including mine. 

“I just can’t believe it!” One girl stated, dropping her pen on the desk, twisting her seat so that she was facing the girl adjacent to her.

“I know! It’s just so sad.” The other responded, equally distraught.

“Do you think we could try to get his number?” Another girl asked, joining into their conversation.

Almost immediately, the girls in this classroom turned their attention to the major gossip of today, something about a guy and a number.

Rolling my eyes, I quickly turned my attention back to my major, trying to remember where I left off. However, a loud shrilling sound from in front of me erupted, causing everyone in this classroom, including Mr Randy, to look up at the noise.

“What’s going on?” Mr Randy asked, tone suggesting his annoyance to this interruption. The girls instantly grew quiet. “Well?” Mr Randy prodded, obviously wanting to understand why his class was being disturbed by that awfully loud shrilling sound.

“It’s nothing.” One of the girls answered, looking away from Mr Randy’s hard, accusatory glare.

“Really?” Mr Randy sarcastically asked.

“Mmhm.” The girl meekly responded.

“Right...well then, let’s get on with it. You guys only have two days left before your majors are due in.”

Watching Mr Randy start away, my heart raced at the thought of performing my major song. Part of my project was to sing the song of your choice, and to write a two thousand word essay on its significance to your micro world. The essay was the easy part. I had already written and edited it, turned it in for more constructive criticism, and then re-edited the essay. I didn’t have to worry about that. The part of the project that was causing my heart to race, probably out of nerves than anything else, was the singing part.

“Are you alright?” I turned to the left, observing the worried expression form on one of my classmates.

Looking into his familiar hazel eyes, I smiled a little, trying to reassure him and myself that I’m okay. “Yeah Brandon, I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?” When I nodded slightly, his worried expression faded, allowing him to turn around and face his own work set out in front of him.

Thinking that I should be following in Brandon’s footsteps, I looked down at my own work, trying to focus on the musical symbols and patterns written elegantly across the patterned lines of my pages.

For the next fifteen or so minutes, I had pretty much deciphered what key and tune I should play in for the performance. I decided that I should perform safely, sticking to a few key tones, limiting the chances of stuffing up during the performance.

When the bell rang, I packed my bag quickly, practically rushing out of the class and hallway to meet up with Lia.

When I reached the parking lot, Lia was leaning against her car, Joe standing diligently next to her, most likely scaring away any guys that would look Lia’s way.

“Ray, wait up!” Turning around, I came face to face with Matt, who looked as though he just came out of the shower.

“Did you just finish football practice?” I asked, leaning up to style his wet hair, removing the stubborn strands from his forehead.

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