chapter 20

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Hey guys!!!! I know it's been like 3 or so days since I uploaded but I have a life too...HAHA well if life means family and work then that's my life lol! Anyway's the point is, I love how every1's been commenting but I have been receiving some awful private messages so I'd like if that were to stop

anyway, this has been edited by Kate Dimka...check out her work too :)

okay continue reading guys


“What the hell do you thinks going on?” Matt retorted, taking off his seatbelt and getting out of the car. I sat frozen, looking at the two glaring men, heart in a beating frenzy.

Joe ignored his question and looked at me, his glare hardening. I scrunched up my face in confusion, though there was no doubt, in any of our minds, about how full of fear I felt.

“Stop looking at her like that,” Matt demanded menacingly. I was still looking at Joe, who was looking back at me, and after a while, his worried gaze turned to one of disgust.

“Don’t tell me you two are—” Joe started, shaking his head in disbelief.

Something in me snapped as I looked between Matt and Joe. For the first time ever, I saw how disappointed and thwarted Joe seemed at the idea of his best mate and little sister being together. When I looked at Matt, I knew that he wanted to tell Joe about us. I could see it in his eyes. But a second glance told me that he didn’t want this to strain their friendship. I mean, it was so obvious. He looked just as distressed as I felt and I knew I had to do some serious damage control.

Taking off my seatbelt, I opened the passenger door to go and stand between the boys. My back was to Matt as I faced Joe, heart pounding so hard it felt like it would jump right out of my chest. Swallowing the fear and guilt, I tried to gather my thoughts into words. “Joe there is nothing going on between Matt and me.” I felt Matt’s hand make its way to my lower back, seemingly to bring comfort, but instead it made me want to turn around and kiss him senseless.  “Why would you even think that?”

Joe looked me in the eyes, though I did not falter under his intense gaze. When he realised this, he looked up, staring beyond me, gaze turning apologetic as he faced his best friend. I closed my eyes for a split second, wondering if the guilt coursing through my body would disappear anytime soon.  “Want to watch the game with me?” He asked Matt and I breathed a sigh of relief. I knew that was Joe’s way of apologizing. Matt knew this too and I sensed that he still wanted to tell Joe about us.

“He would love too,” I answered for Matt. Joe nodded his head towards Matt for confirmation who, after a few torturous seconds, agreed to stay.

“Alright, let’s go.” Joe started towards the house but Matt remained by my side.

“I’ll be there in a minute,” Matt said. Joe turned around, suspicion back on his face. “I’m just going to help bring in the groceries. That’s what Rain and I were doing tonight, you know, before you went ape shit on us.” Joe contemplated what Matt had said before guilt raced into his deep blue eyes. I felt just as guilty, though I had to hide it quickly because I didn’t want to interfere with their friendship.

“Do you guys need help?” Joe eventually asked. I looked at Matt, seeing the shock pour from his eyes, and in an effort to help their friendship go back to normal, I smiled widely.

“Okay. You guys can bring in the groceries while I go inside and have a long, warm shower.” I skipped towards the front door, acting like I was in perfect bliss when in fact, I hated the emptiness I felt when Matt’s touch left my lower back.

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