chapter 15

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Hey guys, I just want you all to know that I read every single one of ur comments and if I had the time, I would reply to each !

Also, Kate Dimka has edited this chapter for me :D



“Where did you go?” my dad asked as soon as Matt and I entered the reception hall again.

“Oh, I—”

“We just came back from talking to my Aunt Lorraine.” Matt interrupted, surprising the hell out of me.

“Oh.” My dad looked relieved. “Well Allen’s been looking for you,” he told me after a moment.

“Who’s Allen?” Matt asked, looking at me suspiciously.

“Allen’s the tall young man standing by the refreshment table,” my dad said, pointing to Allen who was taking a sip from his wine glass. “He’s a very nice guy… eh, Rain?” he managed to ask as an afterthought. I simply nodded my head in agreement.

I looked at Matt who was looking at Allen with an undefinable expression on his face. I could only wonder what he is thinking about. “Dad, I know this is really rude of me but can I go home? I’m feeling a little sick,” I lied smoothly to my sympathy stricken father. Matt looked back at me again, a smirk planted on his face.

“Sir, if you need to stay, I can take Rain home. It’s not a problem.” Matt took it in his stride to play the part of a gentleman in front of my father, obviously knowing it would earn him bonus points in the future.

My dad looked between us, trying to weigh something out in his head. After a moment, a couple began to make its way over to us and I knew he had to come up with a decision fairly quickly. “Okay honey, go home and rest. Matt, call me if she is feeling worse.” I felt a little guilty that he believed me without a doubt, but at the same time, I wanted to do a little victory dance at my managing to get Matt alone, once again.

“I will, Sir,” Matt said respectfully and I smiled a little at how well he was behaving. “Come on, Rain. Let’s get you home.” I bade goodbye to my father before following Matt outside and to his car.

When we came to a halt, I saw the black beauty that Matt and Joe had worked on for two years. It used to be an old Toyota Supra, which could hardly start up without a few decent jump starts. I guess time, money and effort paid out, because it was sitting right there looking like a brand new sports car. Who would’ve thought Matt and Joe had it in them?

“Stop gawking,” Matt said as he shook his head but I could see the amusement in his eyes.

“I’m not gawking,” I responded, feeling my face heat up in embarrassment.

“Yeah whatever, just get in the car. Or do you need me to open the door for you and th—”

“Matt, shut up. I can open the door without your help.” As I took the few steps towards the passenger door, I gave Matt a slight smirk and then opened the door. But it wouldn’t open.

“Need a hand?” Matt mocked as he dangled his car keys in the air, smirking so wide that it made my face heat up more so, this time in humiliation.

“Ah! Matt, unlock the car,” I demanded but he just chuckled for a few good minutes. No joke! I was counting the seconds in my head.

“O-Okay I’m u-unlocking the car n-now,” Matt said in between fits of laughter.

Once I made myself comfortable in the front seat of his car, which took a lot of time with my long dress and all, I looked at my phone to see if I had any miss calls or messages. I didn’t have any, which made me feel like I wasn’t loved, but oh well.

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