chapter 40

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Chapter 40

“What are you making tonight?”

Hearing a deep and masculine toned voice, I turned my head to the side, noticing a flash of blonde hair enter my vision. “I’m making tender chicken, marinated in creamy sauce.” I replied, putting the last of the ingredients in the pan, making sure that I kept looking at the time, so as to not overcook anything for dinner tonight.

“Alright cool. Lia and I are going to be in my room.” I heard the implied message loud and clear; ‘Do not disturb!’

“Shouldn’t you be studying?” I asked quietly, concentrating more on the dinner than at his forthcoming answer.

“Yeah...” He trailed, bumping his shoulder against mine lightly “...but I prefer to live it up with Lia. If we get too loud, turn on some music.”

Before I could reply with a smartass comment, he bid farewell, leaving me alone to deal with tonight’s dinner and my own disturbing thoughts; thoughts which I tried to get rid of. Unfortunately, Joe’s words kept repeating in my mind over and over again and I couldn’t stop thinking about them.

Pouring the sauce on top of the chicken, I turned off the stove, making sure to clean the kitchen top before my dad and Matt returned home from work. Basically, cooking and cleaning the kitchen before the men in my life arrived home has been my routine for the last ten or so months since Joe and Matt’s graduation. It was something that was expected of me and I rarely complained about it.

The only time I complained was when I had an exam or last minute homework to do and so, I would just text Matt, telling him to get takeaway for him and my dad. I knew that Matt and dad secretly loved homemade cooking but every now and then, enjoyed takeaway as well.

Hearing a crash from upstairs stole my attention for half a second before I took Joe’s advice as quickly as I possibly could. Switching some music on, loud enough so it overrode any sound emitting from his bedroom, I released a sigh of relief, shaking my head at the horrible situation that I have to endure at least twice a week from those two idiots. Why couldn’t Joe live on campus or something?

Seriously, why couldn’t he?

It would make life so much easier for me!

Completely absorbed into my thoughts, I didn’t hear Matt or dad walk in until two arms wrapped themselves around my waist.

“How are you?” His sweet breath tickled against my ear and I couldn’t help but let out a giggle when I felt his stubble add to the effect.

“I’m good now.” I replied, leaning against his front more comfortably.

“Dinner ready?” Turning my head to the side, I noticed dad’s tired gaze return to mine, immediately making me feel pity towards him and Matt. They must have been really busy today. Well, busy enough that my dad was willing to show how tired he really is. Poor dad!

“Yeah, it’s still warm. Go take a seat and Matt and I will serve the table.” I responded, caressing Matt’s arms lightly.

“Will do…thanks hun!” Smiling widely, I waited until dad’s heavy footsteps left the kitchen, before I turned around in Matt’s arms, connecting our lips softly, enjoying the way his hands stroked my lower back gently.

Breaking apart slowly, I took in his darkened gaze; one which I have become accustomed to for such a long time. “I missed you.” I whispered against his lips, connecting our lips once more, savouring the taste of his lips on mine.

Breaking apart, he held me more tightly against his side, sending a few kisses along my jaw and up towards my ear. “Maybe tonight you can show me how much you truly miss me?” When his hands tapped my ass, I straight out chuckled, slapping his arms away from me.

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