chapter 23

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heyy guys, sorry for the delay, just got accepted into uni and enrolling is taking it's toll on me

anyways, this has been edited by kate dimka :)


“So, what do we have next?” Lia asked as she fiddled with the combination on her locker.

I flipped open my diary and checked our timetable. “We have a free period,” I told her with joy and just a tiny amount of relief.  

“Free periods are usually boring, why are you so happy?” Lia asked as she opened her locker.

“Oh, well, I don’t know,” I told her truthfully. “But I could really use a free period right now. I’m so exhausted.”

Understanding dawned on Lia’s face as she grabbed a few books. “Well just take it easy. If you feel tired or sick or whatever, just let me know,” she told me with sincerity.

“Thanks. I will,” I said, watching as she put some other books back into her locker. “Oh my God…” I trailed as I noticed Matt, Joe and a few of their mates surrounding a bunch of girls. Instantly, I noticed Holly’s long, straight blonde hair flowing in the thick of it all, her hands attempting… no, actually touching, Matt’s arm.

“Rain, why are you glaring—” Lia started. She slammed her locker shut, the loud bang hurting my ears. “Shit face, idiot…” Lia continued to mumble insults to nobody under her breath, but I wasn’t really paying attention to her. No, my attention was on my boyfriend, who was letting that vixen (to say it nicely) touch him like that. “Come on, Rain, let’s head outside.” I realised I wasn’t moving until Lia gripped my arm tightly. “Rain?” she asked worriedly.

“Yeah, outside,” I responded like an idiot.

“Rain! Lia!” I heard a familiar voice shout. We both stopped and spun around to smile.

“Hey, Dan!” Lia said as her brilliant grin widened.

“Hey Lia, how’re you going?” Dan asked. I tuned out, looking beyond Dan and to Matt.

Holly’s hands were now wrapped around Matt’s waist. Why? Oh my God! Are Matt and Holly a thing now? I didn’t know, but I could feel the jealousy rear up within me and it hurt, big time.

“So, you’re feeling better, right?” I quickly turned my attention from my supposed boyfriend back to Dan, who held a slight smirk on his face.

“I’m still tired but otherwise, I feel great,” I told him truthfully.

“Well I’m heading out. I’ll see you guys later,” Lia announced. Was it just me, or did she sound a little distracted? I looked at her quizzically but she shrugged and smiled before prancing away.

“So…” I trailed, looking at Dan, unsure. Something was definitely up, but I had no idea since my attention had, once again, wandered over to Matt and Holly.

“You and I are going to practice,” Dan told me, smirk growing as he noticed my reaction.

“Are you fricken kidding me?” I asked, though I knew it was pointless to argue with him.

“I was thinking of working on your singing today,” he replied, not bothering to answer my question as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

“My throat still hurts,” I argued, though I didn’t bother to take Dan’s hands from my shoulders. No way! Not when I noticed Matt looking over at me. He could deal with the internal torment too.

“Well, either way, we’re starting on your major today. If that means you’re singing, then you’re singing.” Dan tightened his hold on me as he steered us towards the music room. In doing so, we passed Matt, who was looking at Holly and smirking.

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