chapter 29

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“Uh Matt...” I trailed, slightly confused as to why we parked in front of his house “...why are we here?”

Matt turned his head slightly to the left, his dark eyes boring into mine as he contemplated his answer. Instead of responding vocally however, he merely shrugged, unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out of the car.

I took this to mean that I should follow suit, locking my side of the door as I stepped out into the chilly afternoon.

“Is your dad home?” I asked as we made our way towards the front patio. Once again, he shrugged. I took this to mean that he didn’t know, nor did he care.

Once Matt unlocked and opened the front door, we both stepped inside, eager to get out of the cold.

“It’s warm in here.” I acknowledged, wondering what I should do or say now that I was inside of his house. I guess I felt a little weird because I had never been in his house alone before. It was certainly strange, considering the status of our current relationship. Maybe if I had continued this relationship, I would have felt feel ecstatic and over the moon right now. I positively didn’t feel that now. No instead, I felt plain weird.

When he didn’t reply, this feeling of weirdness evolved into uncertainty. What the hell was I doing here? Why was I alone with Matt? And why the hell wasn’t he responding? 

“Do you have water? I’m suddenly feeling very thirsty.” I asked, licking my dry lips as I waited for an answer. Once again, he shrugged and I was without a doubt getting quite annoyed at him. Why was he acting this way? It wasn’t normal? Was it?

Instead of doing or saying something I would regret later on, I turned towards the hallway that led to his kitchen. Matt trailed behind me as I made my way into the kitchen, grabbed a cup from the shelf and filled it up with tap water.

“Do you want some?” I asked after I took a few gulps of the water. He shook his head, face expressionless. Seriously, what was going on here? “Is something wrong?” I finally asked, looking desperately into his eyes, trying to figure out what was wrong.

Once more, he shrugged nonchalantly, something which was driving me insane. “Seriously Matt, what the hell is wrong with you?” I asked irately, placing my cup into the sink so I could give him my full attention.

“Why don’t you tell me?” He questioned, raising his left eyebrow so sexily that my heart pumped furiously inside of my chest.

“Don’t Matt...” I shook my head slightly, knowing full well where this conversation was leading “...we can’t.” I finished, choking back on some tears that I knew were threatening to unleash quite soon. Damn it!

“Hey, I didn’t start this.” He pointed out, taking a step back so that his legs hit the wall.

I was slightly confused as to where this was going. I didn’t know if what he said was true though. He was the one who had initially kissed me right? Doesn’t that mean he was the one who started this relationship, well lack of one as of a few weeks ago? “Yes you did. You were the one who kissed me in the car.” I argued, my heart racing wildly in my chest as I thought about that wonderful yet heart wrenching kiss.

He shook his head, obviously disagreeing with me. “No, I’m pretty sure you were the one who started it.”

Crossing my arms across my chest, I slightly raised my right eyebrow. “Is that so?” I asked sarcastically.

Instantly, his whole face brightened with mischief when he brought out his signature smirk. My body reacted instantly, with my heart hammering loudly in my chest, while my face felt like it was on fire. I didn’t know whether or not I should feel happy that he was smirking again. Obviously, some part of my being loved his smirk. Who wouldn’t? It was gorgeous. It was probably one of the reasons which initially brought out my crush. When he smirked, it felt right, normal, alive...Yet, this smirk was also symbolic of how dangerous he could become. One smirk and girls fall to their knees.

Trying to impress MattWhere stories live. Discover now