chapter 9

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Hi I have finally uploaded...with Kate-Dimka as the editorr!!!


“Hey Matt, can I use your computer for a second?” I asked him as soon as I saw the redhead, whose name I still didn’t know, not that I cared, leaning towards him with a flirty gesture.

He looked over at me and smirked slightly. “Yeah sure, but I need to put in the password.”

“Rain, I’ll put in his password for you,” Joe said from where he sat across the room with the blonde hanging off him. She was pouting her lips and glaring at him in a bout of jealousy, asking him to stay with her.

“Why would you want to be in a room that Rain and I christened?” Lia teased Joe who looked disgusted with both of us. “Earlier this evening,” she added for dramatic effect.

“No way in hell am I washing those bed sheets!” Matt winked in our direction causing me turn a deep shade of red.

“Matt are you normal? Do you want me to kill your ass?” Joe asked angrily, pushing the blonde off him.

“Joe, take a chill pill. Lia’s obviously lying. We’ve been sitting right in front of you since we got here.” I smirked at a frowning Lia until I turned my head in Joe’s direction. “That’s not to say it isn’t going to happen, later.” Lia and I giggled at Joe’s obvious discomfort while Matt whispered something in the redhead’s ear. I pretended not to witness that little exchange by laughing it off with Lia. As soon as we settled down, Lia handed me her phone.

“You’ve got about ten minutes to be alone with him while I distract everyone else here,” Lia whispered in my ear. I was grateful to have such an observant and loyal friend, but I knew she was going to demand that I tell her everything as soon as we left Matt’s house. The thing was, though, that I couldn’t be sure I was ready to face the reality of the situation just yet.

“Alright Rain, let’s go.” Matt said as he got up from the couch and headed to his room. I stood up as well and smirked at the redhead who immediately glared at me. I could tell that Joe was about to get up but Lia said something to Joe that got him to stay seated, allowing me to follow Matt to his room.

Every step I took, my heart began to beat faster. I could feel the butterflies deep down in my stomach and tried to make them go away by repeating to myself that this wasn’t a big deal. I mean, I was only going to be alone with the one person in the world that made me feel something special. It’s nothing that I should be nervous about, right?

“Hey, Matt?” I asked a little nervously just outside his room.

“Mmm…” He whispered huskily, causing me to blink a few times so I could concentrate on my previous thoughts.

“Never mind,” I replied smiling, but deep down inside, I couldn’t believe that I’d forgotten what I was going to ask him. Was I in too deep?

“Okay.” He sounded confused but shrugged it off by opening the door to his room.

I was always surprised by how clean his room was. The dark black covers on his huge king sized bed were always made to perfection and there were never any clothes piled up in the corners. His room was always spotless. “You should pay your mother for doing this for you,” I said as I gestured all around the room. “It’s absolutely spotless!”

“Hey, when she signed up for a kid, she knew this came as part of the deal,” He smirked while turning on his computer and sitting on the chair.

“You sexist pig!” I hit him on the back of his head for good measure but not hard enough to have hurt him internally.

“Ouch! What was that for?” He asked angrily and for a few moments, I was scared that I really hurt him.

Trying to impress MattWhere stories live. Discover now