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all credits go to Straangerr on ao3


Jonathan heard an ear piercing yell from outside. He sighed and put his book down. Really, just as it was getting good. He thought as he got up and glanced at the door. It was glass so he could see Steve cowering behind the shed.

He finally made it outside, after stalling for quite awhile. "What is so life threatening that you yell so everyone within a five mile radius can hear!" Jonathan spat out.

"There's a huge spider." Steve stammered, while fidgeting with his sweater sleeve. Jonathan glared while he smacked the spider, spewing its guts everywhere.

Jonathan stalking inside, trying to hold in his laughter. Steve the glorious Steve, humbled by a small spider. Once he entered the living room he burst out laughing. Jonathan fell to the floor, howling.

Steve heard him from inside and scampered to his feet. He bolted inside to interrogate him. "Why are you laughing at me!" He said bitterly. "It might have been poisonous, I could have died!"

"Calm down, poisonous spiders are rare, it was harmless." Jonathan responded. Steve frowned at me, before walking in his room and locking himself inside.

Jonathan started to question if he did anything wrong. He didn't want to hurt him, he thought it was funny.


Jonathan stood outside Steve's door. Stalling before knocking on the door. "Listen Steve, I'm sorry. Can I come in to talk?"

He heard mumbling behind the door and assumed he could walk in. Why was he making such a big deal out of this? It's just a spider, it's not like I cheated or anything.

Jonathan turned the doorknob and slowly pushed the door open. Steve was laying on his bed, back towards him. He approached the bed and sat next to him. Steve looks up and crawls towards him. Before Jonathan can say a word, Steve wraps his arms around him and pulls him down. They lay next to each other with Steve's arms holding Jonathan tightly.

"Do yo-." Jonathan was soon interrupted by Steve shushing him.

"Stay quiet, this is peaceful. I like it." He couldn't help but smile at Steve's words. He wasn't usually like this. Wrapped in the warm embrace of his boyfriend, they both slowly fall asleep, forgiving and forgetting the earlier conflict.


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