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all credits go to Honckity on ao3

The party was just leaving the arcade; you get bored in there after a few hours. Well, anyone but Dustin or Max. But after the six hour mark, they got bored, or more rather they all got kicked out.

"Wanna go to my house? I'm sure my mom won't mind making extra dinner." Will suggested as the all got on their bikes, El sitting on the back of Mike's.

"Sure! I've got nothing else to do." Mike was quick to agree, as was everyone else.



They all dropped their bikes in front of Will's house and went inside. Everyone quickly said their hellos and went into Will's room. Nobody noticed the extra pair of shoes at the front door.

"I'm gonna go get something from Jonathan's room." A few people nodde, Will slipped out the door and went across the hall.

He opened the door to his brother's room and stuck his head in, the room was dark. Will squinted, his eyes widened.

In Jonathan's bed, there was Jonathan—obviously—and there was also... Steve? They were kind of close. Only Jonathan laying on Steve's arm, but why were they in bed together?

Will gaped. He stared at the scene in front of him for a few seconds. A hand lightly hitting down on his shoulder made him gasp loudly.

"Hey, what's taking so long?" Will turned around quickly, covering his mouth.

"What? What is it?" Lucas tried to look around him, Will shushed him and moved out of the way.

Lucas squinted as he looked inside Jonathan's room. When he brought his gaze back to Will, there was shock all over his face.

"What?" He mouthed at Will, the shorter boy shrugged at him.

"Oh my god..." Lucas sighed and closed the door quietly. They went back into Will's room.

"Hey! Guys!" Everyone's attention was brought to Lucas and Will.

"What took you guys so long?" Max rolled her eyes as she looked up at them.

"Did you even get anything from his room?"

"Shush! We found something in his room!" That definitely caught some notice from all of them.

"What was it?" El tilted her head curiously, like a confused puppy.

"We found Steve." Lucas smirked, everyone was left shocked.

"Please simplify?" Dustin laughed nervously.

"Simplify?" El looked at Dustin, even more confused.

"Make it easier to understand, basically." Mike gave her a quick definition before easing Lucas on.

"They were sleeping, Jonathan was lying on top of Steve's arm, and Steve also had no shirt on." Will finished for Lucas.

"WHAT!?" Max screeched, probably waking up Steve and Jonathan.


"Okay, so we've gotta confront Steve and Jon about their relationship." Mike stated as soon as his basement door closed behind him. Everyone immediately agreed.

"Yeah! Yesterday, Steve came over, and when he left, he came out of Jonathan's room with his hair and shirt all messed up." Will sighed as he threw himself onto the couch, he looked mildly disgusted.

"Yeah, they're definitely dating." Max crossed her arms, sitting on the floor in front of the couch.

"I can't believe Steve never told me!" Dustin threw his arms up and let them drop, hitting his thighs before he sat in the armchair.

"So, how are we gonna confront them?" Lucas asked, directing his question at Mike specifically. He sat beside Max, El sat beside Will.

"I don't know. Let's make a plan!" Mike grinned widely.


The party made a plan, it only took an hour or so. They had two plans, Plan A; slowly hint at them that they know, Plan B; confront them in groups of two until they confess, and Plan C; a full on separate interrogation to see if their answers match up.

They would give Plan A three days before moving on to Plan B. There really was no reason for a Plan C, Plan B was guaranteed to work.

"Okay, so they're both oblivious idiots. All of these hints are going right over their heads'!" Max groaned, she pulled her bike off the ground.

Mike sighed, "I know, I know. That's why we've got more plans."

"When are we starting Plan B?"

"Probably tomorrow or something." Lucas answered for Mike.

"Yeah, or maybe someone stays with Will for a group of two while Steve is at his house." Mike suggested.

"Sure! I guess Mike is staying then."

"I guess I am. Lucas?" Lucas turned to Mike, "Can you take El back to Hopper's?"

"Sure, hop on El!" Lucas patted the back of his seat, she got on and wrapped her arms around him.

"Bye Mike." She gave him a small smile before Lucas took off, Mike waved.

"Bye guys!"

"Bye Dustin!" Both Will and Mike said in unison.

Max had left already.


Jonathan and Steve were just sitting in each other's presence. Jonathan reading a book, and Steve sitting behind him and hugging him.

Jonathan's door opening harshly startled the teens, Steve jumped and Jonathan snapped his head up.

"What—" Mike said out of breath, "is going... on in here?" Steve looked at him and Will, he raised an eyebrow at them.

"What do you mean?" Jonathan asked, he put a bookmark on the page he was on and set the book to the side.

"What do you mean!? Steve is literally hugging your back and you both have no shirt on!" Will interjected as Mike was about to answer, he glanced at Will and nodded instead.

Jonathan rolled his eyes, Steve sighed and pushed his face into his boyfriend's neck.

"We're dating guys. We have been for the past two months! Can't believe mom didn't tell you..." Jonathan ran his hands down his face.

"Wait, mom knew!?" Will gaped at them.

"Yeah? I told her like two weeks after we were official."

"Oh my god..." the boys went to Will's room.

Mike closed the door, Will grabbed his walkie-talkie.

"Dustin? Dustin come in!"

Dustin was quick to respond, "Yeah? Did you guys get any info on Steve and Jonathan?" He was breathing quickly, probably still on his bike or just got back to his house.

"Yeah! They confessed immediately! They are dating!"

"What!? For how long?" Dustin sounded like he was invested in a whole movie story line.

"Two months—"

"WHAT!? AND THEY NEVER TOLD US!?" He definitely sounded offended, Steve was going to get an ear full of Dustin's wrath later.

"—and my mom knew." That Dustin could not believe.

"Jesus... do the others know?"

"Not yet, could you tell them for us? We're gonna go get more details from them." Will smirked at the last sentence.

"Yeah, sure. But tell me everything!" Dustin now sounded excited.

"Yep, over and out." Will turned off the walkie-talkie and grinned slyly at Mike. He returned it, they walked back over to Jonathan's room.

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