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all credits go to Sharkyofthesea on ao3

The first time Steve invaded Jonathan's personal space was the first day they met. As soon as Jonathan walked into his assigned dorm room and saw his roommate hanging upside down off his bed, hair looking absolutely stupid, and blasting Party Rock Anthem while singing along loudly, he knew that it was going to be a long semester. Granted, he did turn the music down once he noticed there was another person in the room.

"Hey man, my name's Steve," the guy said, still hanging upside down, "Whoops, let me get up."

After a few seconds of Steve squirming around to try and get into a position where he could get up, he stood up and stuck his hand out and smiled brightly.

"You're my roommate, huh?"

Jonathan took Steve's hand lightly and Steve took the opportunity to shake his hand vigorously before giving him a rough clap on the shoulder. Jonathan was unsettled, to say the least.

It was at that moment Joyce popped her head in, carrying a box of Jonathan's books and tapes.

"Oh hi, you must be Steve! I'm Jonathan's mom."

Joyce set down the box and promptly shook Steve's hand, unknowingly mimicking the energy Steve introduced himself with seconds earlier.

"Wow, it's so nice to meet you!" Steve responded cheerily.

Jonathan listened to the two continue to make upbeat small talk until he got impatient and headed back to the car to unload the rest of his stuff.

A little touchy, but at least he's not a complete asshole, he thought.


The second time Steve violated Jonathan's personal space was in the middle of the school library.

He only had one class in the morning that had already passed, so Jonathan decided to spend his afternoon reading Vonnegut at his favorite library table by the potted plants.

"Hey, whatcha reading there?"

Jonathan nearly jumped out of his seat due to the fact that not only his nose had just been assaulted by the smell of some posh hair product, the purpose of which he couldn't even begin to understand, but also because Steve had done the equivalent of screaming at him through a megaphone in the nearly silent library.

Jonathan turned his head, only to see that Steve was incredibly close , in fact, far too close for anyone with common sense to even try to attempt. He was nearly resting his chin on his shoulder, while leaning on the table for support. With Steve being so close, Jonathan couldn't help but notice the deep brown of his roommate's eyes, almost pulling him in. To avoid any further awkwardness, Jonathan turned his head back to face forward.

"It's Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut."

"Ooh, sounds scary."

Turning his head had turned out to be a bad idea because now he could feel Steve's breath tickling his ear and the side of his face as he spoke, which for some reason sent a chill down his spine.

"Um, not really. It's mostly about aliens and war."

Steve stood back up to Jonathan's relief, but instead of walking away, he went and sat in the seat across from him.

"I don't know, that sounds pretty scary to me."

"Maybe you should try reading it and see for yourself."

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